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The Second Thing to Do is Not to Use

We can tell this when the hook is very fragile and breaks easily when the hook is twisted outward.

Once the hook is formed, heated and cooled: – the metal crystal structure of the hook becomes fixed.

If the hook is subjected to excessive pressure, it will cause the metal crystal lattice structure to break.

This happens when the hook point is repeatedly forced away from the hook shank, either during a fight with a fish or when the lure gets caught on a reel and the angler pulls hard on the line to free it.

The easiest example to understand is trying to straighten a paper clip repeatedly

The more ‘work’ we do to the metal of the paper Database clip, the more brittle it will become.

Over time it will become too fragile and then break.

This is what happens to our hooks when we fight and land big, strong fish in a row using the same hook (or our lure gets hooked over and over again).

My advice is to always replace bent or damaged hooks.

Forget the urge to fix a bent hook with pliers if we’re really serious about chasing records.

Stress corrosion cracking is a term that describes the formation of microscopic cracks in metals in a corrosive environment.

Once the crack forms, the damage will spread quickly.

And in a slightly corrosive environment, the hook will easily fail under the slightest load.

The scary thing about stress corrosion cracking is:

One of the easiest things to do to reduce the chance of stress corrosion


Cracking is to soak the hook in warm soapy water after each B2C Phone List return from a trip and dry it before storing.

Do not store the hook in damp conditions, even if it is only used in fresh water.

Storing hooks or lures in damp conditions will increase the possibility of hook failure in the future.

If the process control is not tight enough, then the hook can open easily or be too brittle and break under pressure.

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