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The educational institution must submit a request

At this stage, the operating criteria will be evaluate by the body and subsequently approved. will be classifie as a college, university or university center. In the case of institutions that offer distance education, it is imperative that a face-to-face service center be presented. 2. Authorization Next, the educational institution must request authorization from the MEC to teach its higher education courses. Universities and university centers can offer undergraduate courses without MEC authorization, as they have autonomy. The rule also applies to distance learning courses. However, it is important that these formations are notified to the MEC for an evaluation and graduation recognition. 3. Recognition Recognition of an EAD college must be requested from the MEC when it reaches 50% of its workload. That is, the student can enter a graduation that will have its recognition approved while it is still in progress.

This is mainly due to the fact that it provides

The recognition process is individual for each formation, since particular criteria are taken into account. The body responsible for recognizing a course is Inep. It assesses the quality of applied tests, the existence of in-person service centers, curriculum and faculty. What MEC says about EAD Let’s see, now, what the MEC says about distance learning: Distance Education is the educational modality in which the didactic-pedagogical Canada Phone Number Data mediation in the teaching and learning processes occurs with the use of means and information and communication technologies, with students and teachers developing educational activities in different places or times. This excerpt was take from the MEC website and defines distance learning. In addition, another passage of the text refers to the accreditation process.

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With high approval rates for the portfolio

The institution interested in offering higher education courses at a distance needs to request specific accreditation from the Federal Government. And accredited institutions: Universities and University Centers that are accredite to offer distance higher education courses may, in accordance with Opinion CES/CNE n. 301/2003, ratified by the Minister of Education on August 6, 2004, published in the DOU of B2C Phone List in the use of its autonomy, create new higher education courses without the need for MEC authorization, being subject only to recognition processes. That is, the authorization and recognition processes for distance learning institutions and courses are the same as those for face-to-face courses. Discover all the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning The main distance learning degrees recognize by the MEC Numerous EAD graduations are recognize by the MEC.

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