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Gadgets and promos or preview presentations

These are techniques that bring the customer to physically enter our shop/company and allow us to Gadgets and promos or preview presentations show them our products/services. With the dual aim of achieving direct sales and customer loyalty. Not only that: you can choose to move the same strategies to the web. With initiatives d.Icat. To the facebook fanbase. To pamper your fans. In this case you will have to resort to shipping the products. But the result. In terms of visibility and notoriety. Is guarante.. In fact. It will be enough to invite those who receive the “Gift” to review it with photos. Posts and comments.

You can publish photos and videos of the business

  • Google my business account connects customers and businesses on the google search network and google maps. You can publish photos and videos of the business through posts. As well as the business hours. To make contact simple and imm.Iate. Click-friendly.
  • Google ads : google’s advertising platform allows you to create personaliz. Localiz. Ads. You can establish the objective of latest database  the ad. As well as customize it from a graphic point of view. Google ads moves on the logic of keywords: it is a real auction for the purchase of keywords that identify the activity. Gadgets and promos or preview presentations

new database

Through lead generation on social m.Ia or on google

  • Through lead generation on social m.Ia or on google. To ensure that the local marketing strategy is pervasive and optimiz. On all platforms. However. Without saturating your catchment area. Remembering what was said at the beginning. Strike in the right way and at the right time.
  • These are just some of the local marketing strategies that can be implement. To increase the awareness and success of a business. It is clear that this is a crucial B2C Phone List and increasingly important aspect for activities. Which must be follow. With commitment. Attention and skills.
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