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During this period radio also began to be widely

In the 1960s and 1970s, distance During this period radio learning began to expand and innovate in the use of technologies. of handouts and sent by mail, but educational institutions began to resort to VHS and K-7 tapes. the distance. Read more: What is an EAD course? Clarify all your doubts! History of distance learning in Brazil The history of distance learning in Brazil began in earnest in 1934. That year, the Rádio-Escola Municipal do Rio de Janeiro was install , a radio station direct by Anísio Teixeira, which offer educational content. The initiative also mailed leaflets and lesson plans to students in advance. In the 1970s, Telecurso appeared . Offered by the Roberto Marinho Foundation, the telecurso was a support program for primary and secondary education. That is, it brought supplementary content. The classes were broadcast on Rede Globo to thousands of Brazilians.

According to data from the Civil House

As a result of the Telecurso initiative, several institutions began to invest in offering content at a distance by mail, complemented by content transmitted via audio and video in the country. In 1994, due to the expansion of the internet in Brazil, the digital medium also began to be used as a resource France Phone Number Data for distance learning. What does the legislation say about EAD? Although distance learning has been present since the beginning of the 20th century in Brazil, the first law regulating the modality came in 1996. Law 9,934 establishes the guidelines and bases of national education and recognizes distance learning as one of the existing teaching modalities in the country. In the law, Art. 80 says that: ” The Public Power will encourage the development and dissemination of distance learning programs, at all levels and types of education, and continuing education.

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But it may be that there is still

It talks about the need to obtain accreditation to offer undergraduate and graduate courses lato sensu at a distance, and about the physical, technological and personnel infrastructure. Types of college: differences between face-to-face, blended and distance learning Why did distance learning grow B2C Phone List so much in the country? Since it began to be offer, the EAD graduation has won over students due to the modality’s flexibility and economy. According to data from the SEMESP Institute , 67.5% of higher education students today are people who work and have a family. That is, they are students who have less free time and less resources to invest in graduation. But as they know the importance of higher education for professional and personal life, they prefer the convenience and economy of distance learning.

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