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Customer Data and List Growth Can Be Shared Between the Two

Typically, 160 or fewer characters is the sweet spot, so you can keep copy within a single message. Think about the last time you received a virtual book from someone via SMS text. You probably either didn’t read it or wished they would have just sent an email. Customer Data and List Honor that instinct in your SMS marketing. Nu Med Spa gets right to the point in its text confirmations. The company only includes the most pertinent information for its customers and includes a phone number for further questions.

Better together

Email and SMS marketing both have unique strengths in different use cases. The best marketing strategies include both, and the best marketing platforms allow you to implement them in sync.

For example, you might send an email with Brazil WhatsApp Number Data long-form content promoting an event a month before and then follow it up the week of with a reminder text. The key is to set up both through the same marketing tool so you can use  triggers to maximize the strengths of each.

Nu Med Spa gets right to the point in its text confirmations. The company only includes the most pertinent information for its customers and includes a phone number for further questions.

Better together

Email and SMS marketing both have unique strengths in different use cases. The best marketing strategies include both, and the best marketing platforms allow you to implement them in sync.

Whatsapp Number List

For example, you might send an email with long-form content promoting an event a month before and then follow it up the week of with a reminder text. The key is to set up both through the same marketing tool so you can usetriggers to maximize the strengths of each.

It’s always a good idea to keep subscribers in the know about your company, and email newsletters are a perfect way to fill them in about recent  B2C Phone List milestones, awards, and good press. If your CEO is featured on the front page of the New York Times, don’t be afraid to share that with your newsletter audience.

Are you switching to a subscription model? Increasing your prices? Making an important business pivot like an acquisition or partnership. Customer Data and List Shout it from the rooftops (or just email). Sharing business changes with your customer base is transparent and just plain good business practices.

For example, check out how, an SEO and digital marketing tool, announced their price increase and provided reasons (plus new benefits) for users.

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