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Write using the most natural language possible

The basic concept is this: by intercepting the user’s questions you can use answers capable of obtaining visibility on Google. For example. to create Voice Search Optimization (VSO) FAQs you ne to follow a simple rule: write using the most natural language possible. Aim for a basic syntactic structure. ignore excessively long sentences and terms not us by your potential readers. Add FAQ schema for rich snippets Last step for SEO friendly FAQ: enter microdata to suggest to Google that you have answer certain questions. Having a semantically defin text helps you.

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Improve your SEO positioning because you add elements within the SERP that attract attention. You therefore increase the click-through rate of a web result. The best mechanism to achieve this benefit: mark up frequently ask questions (FAQs) with the structur data suggest by Google . There are specific plugins to add additional information capable of marking the content as an FAQ page. But one of the best solutions is the one offer by WordPress SEO by Yoast which integrates  new data with Gutenberg and provides a block dicat only to SEO friendly FAQs. Must read: how to improve buyer personas The right way to create SEO and UX FAQs In summary: put the nes of the public at the centre.

Web Performers I like to collect data from sites

Answer the questions that people actually ask about a certain topic. don’t use the FAQ only for activities relat to search engine optimization and allow the public to reach you to solve concrete problems. Mirko Ciesco Mirko Ciesco Web Performers I like to collect data from sites to understand how to take them to the next level! 🚀 I am an expert in web performance . I optimize technical SEO and improve the usability of websites through web analytics . I create  B2C Phone List winning strategies starting from the problems of startups and companies. Finally. I hold personaliz courses online and throughout Italy with the mission of making the web a better place.

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