Add Brand Imagery Like Alaska Airlines

If you don’t have the capacity to support a full VIP program, you can create an ongoing text message deals program. Add Brand Imagery The offers you send should not be available to anyone who’s not on your SMS marketing list. Customers won’t be happy if they find out they gave you their phone number for the same “exclusive” coupons you’re sending out in email blasts.

This type of program offers the same ongoing incentives as a VIP club but at a lower cost. However, it still takes some effort to administer. You have to keep your offers new and exciting so customers stay engaged with your text messages.

Exclusive text message deals

Offering benefits to customers who are already committed to buying from you can help boost in-the-moment conversions. Try trading a Oman Phone Number Data discount code for your customers’ phone numbers during the checkout process. E-commerce businesses might also consider offering free shipping to customers who join your SMS contact list.

phone number list

While a checkout bonus might be good for winning sign-ups at times of high customer engagement, they don’t offer ongoing benefits. There’s always the risk shoppers will sign up to get the discount and then immediately unsubscribe. You’ll have to find another way to offer continuing value via text marketing.

Checkout bonuses

People love free things. That’s a truism that likely won’t ever change, which means it’s a good starting point for any marketing campaign. Simply ask customers to sign up for your SMS list in exchange for their entry into a giveaway. Add Brand  B2C Phone List Imagery You’re free to set whatever terms and criteria for winners you want. The most important thing is an opportunity that’s too good to pass up.

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