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This is how you add an affiliate link

For example, a craft blogger can acquire affiliate links for craft supplies.  This is how you Or a fashion blogger can recommend outfits to guests, compare different wedding dresses or handbags. , can teach future brides how to do affordable and beautiful wedding makeup themselves. instructions and tips have an affiliate link directing you directly to the products. I think one of the best ways to monetize a wedding blog is to write “comparison” postsstand on, for example, 5 to 10 similar products and tell about the products’ benefits, features, prices, and your own honest and open opinion.

In these posts, you take a

x super-popular, because you have done the “work” for the readers. post and make a decision about the product that suits latest database them best.  link, you get income effortlessly. Remember to also search engine optimize your posts so that you get a constant stream of readers from Google. Also read these: to the text [Tutorial part 1.] Adding an affiliate link to images [Tutorial part 2.] And please remember that hidden advertising is not allowed in Finland, so any affiliate links in the post must be mentioned at the beginning or end of each post.

When every product has an affiliate

latest database

How are foreign wedding blogs commercialized? In addition to that, the blogger has made collages typical of fashion and beauty bloggers, in which he comprehensively presents the products presented in the posts. Green Wedding Shoes This blog sells advertising space. There B2c Phone List is a long list of ads in the sidebar. There are also a few Adsense ads in the sidebar.

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