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The quality of the service also remains constant,

You can also use the saved time for the systematic development of your service by selecting one part of your service under closer scrutiny at a time. when a carefully thought out service can be scaled. When the basics are in order, it is also easier to do marketing communications.

With productization, customer satisfaction improves when the customer

is answered quickly and service quality is better with standardization and development. The Poland Phone Number List  customer’s purchase decision becomes easier when the customer understands the value of pricing and service.

Productizing own expertise into service packages
Productizing one’s own know-how practically means making the customer’s purchase easier. The customer should be able to buy the expert service he wants without having to familiarize himself with the intricacies and expert slang of the industry in question.

If the customer does not know the industry, he may not even know what

phone number list

he needs or wants. In this case, you should not ask the customer what he needs, but find out what the B2C Phone List  customer’s problem is and solve it. On the other hand. But a few different pre-priced The quality of the service  options – that is. A package from which the customer can choose the one that suits him. In addition to the core service, the service package may include supporting services and additional services.  A service .Without a product can be an obstacle to a purchase. If you can’t make it easy for your customer to buy. As a professional, you must be able to clearly communicate. To a customer unfamiliar with the field. What your services cost. What they include and what value the customer gets from them. So that the customer can make a purchase decision.

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