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The price also affects the perceived value.

It is often difficult for the customer to understand what the final price of the service is and what he actually gets for the price he pays. It is very important to emphasize the value of the service, because the price of an intangible and hard-to-understand service can seem expensive when the customer compares it to a competitor’s offer or even to his own salary.

You can facilitate the customer’s purchase not only by packaging your service, but also by presenting the most concrete benefits and calculations of how much value your service produces for the customer. For example, an SEM consultant could present how much the euro invested in advertising returns, or  the UKKO.fi billing service  could tell you that 86% feel that the service makes it easier to become an entrepreneur.

The value proposition summarizes why to buy

How then to concretize the benefit in a form that can be understood in a few seconds and include Russia Phone Number List  it in practical activities? Prepare  a value proposition for your service that answers the question why the customer would buy from you in one sentence.

Please note that a value proposition is different from a slogan. When thinking about your value proposition, think about who your customer is, what is the customer’s problem, how does your service solve the problem, and what are the value-adding factors that make you stand out from other service providers? You can also find reasons or obstacles to using your service by studying the user experience, and by asking how it feels to use your service and what obstacles the customer has to buying. Implement the value proposition and remember to test it, for example on the website as an A/B test!

Be specific about what you’re selling

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In addition to the customer’s perceived value. The price is of course affected by competition and production costs. Which fortunately you can influence precisely through B2C Phone List  productization. Since in the case of professional services.  It is worth understanding that the goal of productization. Is not only to grant the most competitive price. But to make processes more efficient and improve the margin. Please also remember that the pricing must be clear and the price must cover everything needed without unpleasant additional costs.


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