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My strategy to create monthly passive income

My strategy to create monthly passive income. I am one of those who thinks that passive income as the word describes it does not exist. Everything that is listed under passive such as generating income with Google Adsense in the end usually is not because a website that is positioned in the top 10 of Google for a competitive keyword in the end requires maintenance. They don’t understand that nothing comes for free in life. Everything, absolutely everything has a price. 

My only passive income to date

My only passive income to date. At the moment I have accumulated a total of about 200 euros per month in passive email database income. It is partly about interests with Bondora and partly about a blog that generates affiliate income for me. It is an old Quondos project that I ended up keeping as part of the sale negotiation. It’s real passive income because I do absolutely nothing. In the case of the blog, it will be a matter of time before these fall. Your time, your savings, your friendships, your partners, etc.

How I want to increase my passive income

How I want to increase my passive income. I’m starting two projects. One is based on an old domain from a business that closed 3 or 4 years ago and that has a lot of strength at the SEO level. It is related to the activities I have. After a failed attempt to turn it into B2C Phone List my own e-commerce, I am going to turn it into a blog to generate income through affiliation with Amazon. The passive part will be this. I am going to sacrifice a large part.

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