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Get to the Top of Your Email Marketing Game

This email newsletter example illustrates why customization pays off. Before doing a mass send, remember that. Get to the Top Penguin Random House’s email example also highlights multiple book genres and, by encouraging subscribers to update their reading preferences, increases the lifetime value of their subscriber base.

When you’re trying to please everyone, you ultimately please no one. That’s why customization can be so powerful; it makes everyone on your list feel heard and paid attention to.

The Moz Top 10

SEO giant sends out a semimonthly email newsletter to share 10 of valuable, recent articles about search engine optimization and digital marketing.

Even better, they don’t stick strictly to their Vietnam Phone Number Data own content, choosing to curate the best they can for their readers.

These kinds of roundups can be relatively low-lift for businesses to put together — for example, you can throw a Google Alert on a trending topic or relevant keyword to make compiling your top 5 or top 10 easy.

phone number list

Why it works

Moz’s Top 10 email features simple, no-frill design elements. It’s content-driven yet concise, and each article — whether they’re demystifying Google’s latest algorithm updates or diving into voice search — gets a 1-2 sentence tag to grab readers.

This kind of B2B email newsletter is perfect for establishing your brand as a thought leader or industry expert. It shows readers that you provide  B2C Phone List  ongoing value, stay on top of the latest trends, and collate important updates that’ll keep open rates high.

The Moz email newsletter example plugs a few of their own features, but is primarily a tool for knowledge share.

Get to the Top Because you’re not trying to constantly sell, sell, sell, your readers will look forward to the insights each round-up brings.

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