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Direct advertising is prohibited in the group,

According to some, Facebook may be a social media channel that is already turning to the evening Direct advertising is  side of its life, but Facebook groups and the discussion in them are still going strong and even at the peak of their activity in 2021. There are numerous active groups for entrepreneurs on Facebook – there is mostly a lack of abundance of discussion platforms!


  • Over 20,000 members and active discussion
  • The topics of discussion are the challenges of entrepreneurship from far and wide
  • Recommending your own product or service is allowed. When recommendations are askedOne of the largest finnish-language social media .Communities in the social field can be Mexico Phone Number List  found in the yrittäjät group on facebook. Which already has more than 20,000 members. The discussion in this group is very active and several. New discussion openings are published every day.

Tmi Entrepreneurs

phone number list


This group is an active discussion arena on all topics related toentre preneurship, from big business B2C Phone List   news to comparisons of the best accounting firms. It can be fruitful for a new entrepreneur to join a large community like this . Where there are many entrepreneurs from different.  By following the conversation of a large and diverse community, you can get into the things that entrepreneurs are generally talking about and you can also get ideas for your own activity and its development.

This large group also actively asks for recommendations. On providers of various services and products, so by keeping an eye on this group. And actively recommending your own company .In discussions, you can increase your own sales.


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