About light entrepreneurship

  • Local groups are suitable for entrepreneurs operating locally
  • Peer support from industry groups from professionals in the same field
  • Recommend your own activity according to the group’s rules!

Do you operate in a certain location? Different localities often have their own entrepreneur groups on social media, especially Facebook, as well as locality, district and bus radio groups. It can also be useful as an entrepreneur to belong to general community groups, as they are often actively followed by a large group of local residents who, in addition to other discussions and topics, are looking for local service providers. Find the groups in your area, follow the discussion, participate actively, making your name known to the locals – and recommend your own company when the opportunity arises!

Local groups of entrepreneurs and communities of different industries

From industry groups, an independent entrepreneur can easily get peer support and advice from  New Zealand Mobile Number List those in his own industry. Especially in an industry that has its own rules and operating methods – for example, the beauty care or construction industry – you can get precise advice and experience from the industry’s own group of entrepreneurs, especially in the nooks and crannies of your industry.

Light entrepreneurship

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  • 2100 members
  • For small entrepreneurs and those considering entrepreneurship
  • A few discussion openings every week, group members actively respond to the openings

Especially if you are a small business owner, you will find a lot of interesting discussion andB2C Phone List   practical tips in this group. In the group. Topics related to light entrepreneurship. Puzzles and their solutions are discussed. And the differences between a company .Name and light entrepreneurship are clarified together. This group is also a good starting. Point for those .Who are just considering entrepreneurship – by following the discussion here. You can get a picture of the everyday .Life of a light entrepreneur and you can also ask about other people’s experiences of light entrepreneurship.

This group is maintained by ukko. Fi. Which means that our experts are also present in the group. Listening to answer questions and considerations . We also regularly distribute useful material and content to the group, for example the publications of our new Entrepreneurship School.

The rules prohibit inappropriate comments and bad behavior

The group actively asks independent entrepreneurs for advice on topics to consider and shares  The rules prohibit inappropriate tips from entrepreneur to entrepreneur. Seven and a half thousand members actively discuss in the group, and this is an excellent community for an independent entrepreneur who has just received his Y ID.

In Tmi Yrittäj, topics specifically for independent entrepreneurs come

Up, such as combining work and free time. Finding a bank service or accounting office suitable for a business name. And suitable marketing channels for small-scale business operations. In this community. You can also boldly ask questions that you have thought. About yourself, and the discussion culture is usually. Matter-of-fact and tips are shared in a good spirit.

This group of nearly 60,000 female entrepreneurs unfortunately excludes male entrepreneurs. For whom a similar active community has yet to be found. The group offers .Women entrepreneurs active peer support for the ups and Netherlands Mobile Number List  downs and challenges of entrepreneurship. In this group. It is allowed to advertise. Market and sell your own products and services. Within the limits of moderation and good taste, so in addition to networking. You can also use this group .To tell about your own activities. In addition to recommendations. The discussion on all topics related to entrepreneurship is active.

The members of the group ask for and give recommendations at a

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Diligent pace, so this is a good channel for female entrepreneurs to bring their own expertise to the fore. In the B2C Phone List addition, the group actively discusses current topics that concern women entrepreneurs in particular. In this group, you can both boldly ask questions about everything related to entrepreneurship and open up a discussion about social issues as well. , so keep a cool head when writing comments, even if the topic raises emotions!

Direct advertising is prohibited in the group,

According to some, Facebook may be a social media channel that is already turning to the evening Direct advertising is  side of its life, but Facebook groups and the discussion in them are still going strong and even at the peak of their activity in 2021. There are numerous active groups for entrepreneurs on Facebook – there is mostly a lack of abundance of discussion platforms!


  • Over 20,000 members and active discussion
  • The topics of discussion are the challenges of entrepreneurship from far and wide
  • Recommending your own product or service is allowed. When recommendations are askedOne of the largest finnish-language social media .Communities in the social field can be Mexico Phone Number List  found in the yrittäjät group on facebook. Which already has more than 20,000 members. The discussion in this group is very active and several. New discussion openings are published every day.

Tmi Entrepreneurs

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This group is an active discussion arena on all topics related toentre preneurship, from big business B2C Phone List   news to comparisons of the best accounting firms. It can be fruitful for a new entrepreneur to join a large community like this . Where there are many entrepreneurs from different.  By following the conversation of a large and diverse community, you can get into the things that entrepreneurs are generally talking about and you can also get ideas for your own activity and its development.

This large group also actively asks for recommendations. On providers of various services and products, so by keeping an eye on this group. And actively recommending your own company .In discussions, you can increase your own sales.


Some’s best entrepreneurial communities –

We listed the best entrepreneurial communities on social media that you should join in 2021. By following these groups, you will stay up to date with the latest trends in entrepreneurship and open up good networking avenues for yourself. Some’s best entrepreneurial communities can offer especially new entrepreneurs valuable information and advice.

An independent entrepreneur especially benefits from entrepreneurial communities – even if only you belong to your company, it is not necessary to work alone!

With the help of social networks, a new small entrepreneur can

build a work community of his own, with the members of which he can exchange information, share  Malaysia Phone Number List know-how and collaborate. For a more experienced creator.Tips and peer support come in handy. When developing or expanding operations, or .When faced with changes in the industry or own business.
An entrepreneur .Who has been in the same situation can often advise and answer. These considerations and questions best of all.

Some’s best entrepreneurial communities for independent entrepreneurs in 2021

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The most important thing in finding communities that are suitable for you are topics that interest you and benefit your own activities. Do you want to improve your marketing?  Then join the communities of tmi and pk entrepreneurs. Sometimes it can also be wisest to start building a community around one’s own activities – read the story of a small entrepreneur about the power of networks

Networks often show their value  B2C Phone List when you least expect it. You may find yourself in a situation where you are looking for a partner for a project and a suitable person can be found in your social media network – or the other way around: you get job offers and new customers through your network. Find out more about the benefits of networking here .


The jobs they claimed to be doing,

When your company’s services are written about on social media, don’t be scared, even though the situation can be stressful at first. Remember that an open dialogue with your customers brings lessons and valuable feedback that you can use to improve your services and modify your products. Good interaction with customers makes you commit to your work. By participating in the discussions, you also give yourself the opportunity to review your own work and develop your business. Always be yourself on social media and have a conversation in the style you would also have with your customer face to face. Finally, also read our article on how you can get closer to your customers with the help of video.

What exactly is good customer service? Everyone probably has their

own idea of ​​good customer service, but two keywords come up most often to describe a good  Japan Phone Number List customer service experience. Those words are fast and personal. A good customer service representative, on the other hand, is friendly and professional, and he wants to listen and understand the customer’s needs and solve their problems. As the saying goes, a customer tells three people about good customer service, but about bad customer service to eleven. If…

Have you met a person who enjoys working? What about an entrepreneur

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I have met a few people who have claimed this. By   large number of companies are successfully selling B2C Phone List  using social media, and it really has a lot of that famous potential. However, there are no free lunches; utilizing social media in marketing requires investment and work, just like any other business activity… selling their company or in some other way, these “enthusiasts” had gotten their finances into a state where there is no longer any financial compulsion to do the work.  however, they did with a really hard attitude. It was far from a hobby. Today, various cooperatives and services enable an entrepreneurial…

We humans interpret written words in different ways

Social media cannot be controlled. Images of your company’s brand are created when you respond to a customer in public and also when you don’t. It’s good to know that not doing something also leaves a mark. So you can’t blame the situation completely on your own hands, but it’s worth looking at it from a few points of view.

If the negative comment is presented in a place that you can manage yourself, leaving it visible tells your customers about your ability to accept feedback at all. This is because you also allow differing opinions to exist, even if you don’t respond to them.

Sometimes entrepreneurs delete all nasty reviews from

Their own social media accounts, but in this case, credibility is at risk of taking a hit. Is a completely  Italy Phone Number List cleaned and polished customer feedback box reliable? Does the entrepreneur try to cover up his mistakes?

Especially not reacting to factual and constructive feedback is a risk. Why not respond to reality with reality when it’s possible?

On the other hand, it is probably most valuable not to respond at all to completely irrelevant and personal feedback. It’s enough for consolation that others also see the unpleasant style of the author of the feedback, so you’ll definitely get sympathy points in this argument.

Is being right worth all the trouble? You should ask yourself this,

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no matter how unfair the feedback seems. You can respond to the feedback factually once, but participating in the follow-up will be an endless quagmire that will also  B2C Phone List take your precious time away from your other business activities. , because tones of voice and eye contact shine in social media conversations by their absence. A long written argument can also drift away from the topic, give rise to new misunderstandings and, in the worst case, take on low-style and aggressive tones. If your skin is thick and you have great professional pride, you can enter the conversation at your own risk. Some entrepreneurs even think that long comment discussions (even negative ones) only bring much-needed visibility to the company’s existence.

Even if you slightly disagree with the feedback,

If possible, offer the feedback giver a refund for what happened. Could the result of the work be improved afterwards or would a small discount be in order? Such an act shows that you take the feedback seriously, which in turn reinforces a more positive image of your company’s brand. Those following the conversation will see that you genuinely care about your customer.

Correct your mistakes

In your own opinion, you have done your job well, but the customer complains. About the Iran Phone Number List service or product regardless , on the social media scene , on your company’s facebook page. Or in the comment section of your homepage. No matter how bad it is, keep them in your hat for now.  You cannot .Deny your customer’s. Emotional experience of what happened. The best way to move on is to express your apologies and promise .That next time. We will aim for a better outcome. Even if the feedback is negative. Remember to express your thanks for receiving it as well. Because without feedback you will not be able to develop your business. Read more about the basics of social media marketing here.

Let the customer be right

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What should you say to a customer who criticizes your prices as too expensive, but in your own opinion, this B2C Phone List  is not really the case? In social media, comment sections often start from a setting where the opposite party is told back for the first time, even if this is done in a very friendly tone. For this reason, when giving reasons, you should always rely on the line and the facts.

You can, for example, shed light on your business operations by telling which things really affect prices. For example, tell the customer how “the products are made in Finland and the material is first-class wool”. However, don’t start arguing about the correctness of the prices, because it won’t get you far. Your customer has the right to think your prices are too expensive. On the other hand, you can comfort yourself with the thought that he is just one customer among others and hardly belongs to the target group of your business. So leave the factual justifications visible and leave them for others to evaluate. You have done your part at this point.

Now hang on, entrepreneur! This is how you respond

It is good for an entrepreneur to learn to accept customer feedback, but it is a particularly Now hang on entrepreneur  important skill in social media, where receiving a feedback boomerang is always followed by hundreds of pairs of eyes.

No entrepreneur wants to read negative comments about their business on online chats, but sometimes they come up too. That’s why it’s good to prepare for situations in advance.

The most important thing in every situation is to keep a cool head, talk to the point, keep a humble mind and a warm heart. If the comments written about your own business make you very emotional, take a moment to catch your breath. A jaded mind easily blames a boring tone on the answer, even if the writer doesn’t want it there.

A critic often wants an answer quickly, and quick reaction is also an

Entrepreneur’s advantage. However, if you have to choose a text written in quick succession or Indonesia Phone Number List  waiting, the latter is a better option. Sleep overnight if necessary and then look at your answer with fresh eyes. Is it Now hang on entrepreneur  still constructive in tone and compassionate enough the next day?  Every entrepreneur finds, through his own personality and experience, the most suitable way to respond to public criticism. However, we put together seven important steps, which each one should go through in their own way.

1. Admit your mistake

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Look in the mirror first. Has the blunder described by the critic on social media really Now hang on entrepreneur  happened? If this B2C Phone List  is really the case, instead of twisting and turning, it is best to have an honest game move, i.e. a place to admit a mistake. This is the number one guideline for crisis communication. The noise around the matter dies down immediately, when the entrepreneur bears his responsibility on the matter directly. When a mistake is brought out and admitted, further speculation often follows. The matter is simply finished for you.

So at least remember the instructions described above

Now you are off to a good start in search engine optimization. However, chipping machine optimization is not a one-time project, but a constantly developing entity that needs to be developed regularly.  whenever you publish new content, and make regular checks for the latest trends in SEO, and you’ll keep the visibility of your website up to date.

Your competitors are constantly producing new content and the competitive

If you were second today in the search for “kitchen renovation electrical work in Pihlajamäki”, you India Phone Number List  can be seventh in a week, when competing electrical installation entrepreneurs have diligently published  So at least remember their own high-quality content. In addition, Google and other search engines are constantly developing their own operations, which also affects the search results and your ranking in various searches.

So continue with regular content production, think about your keywords and check every once in a while that everything is in order on your website!

Continue reading: Websites for the company Small business owner’s website with WordPress

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The number of incidental work expenses for someone who moves from a wage earner to a light entrepreneur B2C Phone List  is the biggest single change. In traditional  So at least remember salaried work, the employee only sees the gross salary paid to him and the net salary left over from this. However, the light entrepreneur sees all the expenses incurred in doing the work. When creating the first invoice, this difference may come as a surprise to many. For this reason, we have compiled in this article everything that a small business owner should take into account when agreeing on the billing amount. This way, side expenses related to work do not come as a surprise…

I guess search engines think that if you’ve written

So how do you produce good content that many people want to read and share? It is a good idea to start thinking about the topics with the keyword list you prepared earlier. Words and phrases that are searched a lot, but whose difficulty level is not in the sky, will tell you the most fruitful topics for content.

The kind of content that people want to read is usually entertaining or useful in some way.

For example, various guides, instructions and tips lists are of interest to many. Read more about writing a business blog here .

From the point of view of search engines, texts should be long

enough, at least more than 500 words. a bit longer text, you definitely know what you’re talking about. Longer texts also have their advantages from the writer’s point of view: you can naturally include your keywords without the repetition feeling clunky.

It is good to build each article around one or at most two keywords – search engines also like that  Iceland Phone Number List you stick to a narrowly defined topic. It is good to place the keyword in the article, especially in the title, subheadings and captions. Of these, the search engine knows how to find it best.

Also, don’t forget the names and alt texts of the most processed images. In body text, you shouldn’t try to forcefully repeat keywords too much, so that the text doesn’t become clunky – despite keywords and search engine optimization, it’s worth keeping in mind that the goal is to write interesting and easy-to-read content for your customer, which he also wants to share with his friends to read.

Read more tips for writing here: 8 tips for writing a better text .

5. Take advantage of the features of your website platform


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One major factor in a website’s search engine success is the structure of your site. Building  B2C Phone List a website usually starts with choosing a suitable platform. Popular website platforms include WordPress, Squarespace and Wix. These are also all friends of the search engines, because the search engines consider these platforms quite reliable in principle.

In addition to texts and images, search engines evaluate the site’s structure and also draw conclusions about the site’s reliability. The structure of the site should be logical and clear, and the most important pages should also be linked to other pages within the site.

Important points on the website are the page titles as well as the titles, subheadings and captions of the text on the page, without forgetting the file names and alt texts of the images that have already been mentioned several times.


Google is constantly developing its algorithms so

In addition, you can get good links by writing guest articles on blogs or other sites. One example of this is the Yrittäjj yskoulu Yrittäjä tarinas , which help our independent entrepreneurs get visibility and link their own website or blog to our website. Links to your own industry and reliable sites and blogs inspire confidence in the eyes of search engines.

One way to get good links is to think about publishing recommendations or guest writings on each other’s pages with partners or your network. However, remember to also keep the content relevant and interesting for your own target

Link your website to your social media channels


External linking basically means that other websites have links that lead to your site.

The more your site is linked from outside, the more reliable search engines interpret it.

Social media offers a great Hong Kong Phone Number List  way to link your site externally. You can collect links just by adding your website to your social media profile information. In addition, you should actively share links to your services and other articles on your page in your own publications – and also encourage customers and partners to share your content in their own publications. Check here for additional tips on using social media in marketing .

In addition to your own social media walls, you can share your own

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interesting content, for example, in social entrepreneur communities . In these B2C Phone List  groups, in addition to search engine optimization, you can effectively build useful networks. So tweet, share and chat hard!

It is worth investing in the quality of the content. For example,  that the highest quality content can always be offered in the search results. Therefore, the best strategy for a search engine optimizer is to create as good content as possible – preferably always better than the competition. For example, starting a business blog is a very good SEO decision.

Name the images and place keywords in the alt texts

Search engines scan all text found on your site – both visible and hidden, such as image file names. If the name of the image found on your site is IMG_5932, the search engine cannot determine at all what is in the image and what kind of searches it should be shown to.

So it’s worth investing in naming the pictures. Whenever you add a picture to your site, it is good to name it so that the name shows what is roughly in the picture.

In addition, it is good to include a keyword related to the subject of

the image and your company in the name. For example, if you tell about the crisis communication  Greece Phone Number List training you offer to companies on the page and add a picture of one of your training – or a photo bank picture of the training situation – you can name it, for example, like this: henikloston-kriisiveistintavalmennus.jpeg.

Alt texts, i.e. alternative texts that appear if the image does not load for some reason, are of particular interest to search engines. So always remember to fill in the alt field when adding images. Here you can describe what is shown in the picture – a bit like describing. A picture to someone who can’t see it. You should always include relevant keywords in the alt texts. For example the name of the service. That is discussed on the page in question.

When adding images to websites, you should also pay attention to

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their size. You should not upload images to the site in very large sizes, as large image files B2C Phone List  always slow down the page’s loading speed. Long loading times are not to the liking of visitors and search engines. However, you should follow the golden mean when it comes to the size of the images: images compressed too small can look low-quality, which does not give a good image of your company.

External links tell search engines that your site is reliable because others refer to it. No one would link to a bad or unreliable site, would they? This is how Google and other search engines conclude.