Even if you slightly disagree with the feedback,

If possible, offer the feedback giver a refund for what happened. Could the result of the work be improved afterwards or would a small discount be in order? Such an act shows that you take the feedback seriously, which in turn reinforces a more positive image of your company’s brand. Those following the conversation will see that you genuinely care about your customer.

Correct your mistakes

In your own opinion, you have done your job well, but the customer complains. About the Iran Phone Number List service or product regardless , on the social media scene , on your company’s facebook page. Or in the comment section of your homepage. No matter how bad it is, keep them in your hat for now.  You cannot .Deny your customer’s. Emotional experience of what happened. The best way to move on is to express your apologies and promise .That next time. We will aim for a better outcome. Even if the feedback is negative. Remember to express your thanks for receiving it as well. Because without feedback you will not be able to develop your business. Read more about the basics of social media marketing here.

Let the customer be right

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What should you say to a customer who criticizes your prices as too expensive, but in your own opinion, this B2C Phone List  is not really the case? In social media, comment sections often start from a setting where the opposite party is told back for the first time, even if this is done in a very friendly tone. For this reason, when giving reasons, you should always rely on the line and the facts.

You can, for example, shed light on your business operations by telling which things really affect prices. For example, tell the customer how “the products are made in Finland and the material is first-class wool”. However, don’t start arguing about the correctness of the prices, because it won’t get you far. Your customer has the right to think your prices are too expensive. On the other hand, you can comfort yourself with the thought that he is just one customer among others and hardly belongs to the target group of your business. So leave the factual justifications visible and leave them for others to evaluate. You have done your part at this point.

He is unable to understand that the cat

To Lemoines question How do you like to spend your free time LaMDA repli With friends and with my family. Obviously LaMDA has neither friends nor family she therefore limit herself to statistically calculating which answer among the data creat by human beings stor in. Her database had the greatest probability of satisfying. The question pos. A deep learning system cannot generalize and abstract the knowlge it possesses .  the lynx and the tiger have characteristics in common unless he is train to recognize only. The feline category. A robot that uses deep learning to learn how to pick up a bottle is unable to reapply this knowlge to also pick up a cup but has to start.

The training all over again as explain by Pro

Domingos author of The definitive algorithm . New call to action The reason for the current failure of autonomous driving The impossibility of Iran Phone Number List abstracting and generalizing the concepts obtain which indicates the absence of a real understanding is for example the reason why autonomous driving has not been successful until today . In this context the deep learning system that governs the car is train to deal with such a quantity of potential scenarios in addition to recognizing road signs traffic lights etc. that it learns in theory how to correctly deal with a roundabout to merge into a motorway lane to stop at pestrian crossings etc etc.

But there is a problem in the field of driving

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The variables and unknowns increase so much that the artificial intelligence system is no longer able to find correlations that instruct it on the B2C Phone List correct behavior to adopt . However there have been some successes Waymo the Google company valu at 30 billion dollars announc last October that in a portion of. The city of Phoenix it is now possible to freely exploit its fleet of autonomous taxis. Taking a look at. The Arizona capital you understand why it is one of. The few cities where autonomous cars are becoming a reality The wide avenues the streets that always run parallel and perpendicular and the low traffic are all elements that make life much easier of selfdriving cars.