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Be Concise Without Sacrificing Clarity

Even if you go the route of “Well, how did we do?” you’re still engaging with the subscriber instead of simply reacting to their recent purchase.  Be Concise WithoutA question forms the beginning of a conversation with a real human being — it’s not simply a robotic response.

Questions are excellent survey email subject line choices both for past purchases and general surveys about your brand as a whole. Time automated surveys about products to go out after the subscriber has had a chance to experience the item.

Mention the word “survey”

Specifically asking your customers to take a survey in the subject line is a great and clear CTA right off the bat.However, you should still Sweden Phone Number Data word your subject lines in an intriguing way. “Take our survey today” probably won’t deliver the results you want. Instead, use personalization or some kind of incentive along with the word survey to boost your subject line’s potential.

This isn’t carte blanche to completely dupe your subscribers. You can, however, entirely avoid even mentioning the survey in your subject line.

phone number list

Get creative. Consider how you would start a conversation with a trusted friend you’re asking for advice, and write your copy from there.

Focus on developing a one-on-one relationship with your subscribers in your survey email subject lines.

Focus on the benefits

Following up with the previous point, you can avoid mentioning the survey in your subject lines by mentioning the benefit instead. To do this, however, you need to offer some kind of incentive for taking the survey. For longer surveys, offer a  B2C Phone List bigger incentive—like 50% off a one-time purchase. This may seem like quite a large give, but remember the value of a customer’s time and feedback.

Even quick product reviews on your website could warrant a smooth 10% or 15% off. If you make promises in your survey email subject lines. Be Concise Without make sure you follow through with it in the body copy.

This point is crucial for several reasons

To avoid spam filters (spammy copy = bad copy, always

To uphold your brand’s (and email service provider’s) reputation

Getting the results you want. Dry, boring copy won’t make people want to take your survey!

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