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Start Building Your Subscriber List

The one thing Amanda wishes she’d tested was sending a shorter newsletter. “Sometimes I wonder if my newsletter is too long, but it might be strange to renege on length now that I have a few thousand subscribers,” she told us. However, her top takeaway Start Building Your had nothing to do with her content, scheduling, or newsletter logistics. “[The] biggest thing I learned is, truly, the importance of creating a safe space for yourself to test ideas,” Amanda said. “More people are rooting for you than you think.”

Incentivize signups

Even engaged followers are unlikely to take your word that they should sign up for your newsletter. Amanda offered value with . She didn’t go the traditional route of giving a downloadable resource to anyone who shared their email. She told her India Mobile Number Data Twitter followers they’d get her recipe for Bulgogi Shepherd’s Pie if they signed up before she sent her next email. Seventy of them joined that day. It wasn’t an offer she could use more than once, but it did provide a sense of urgency.

For subscribers who don’t see the incentives she tweets, Amanda shows exactly what her newsletter provides. Her website, has copies of every newsletter she’s sent. Offer free previews, so readers can see what they’re signing up for before committing.

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The easier your signup form is to complete, the more subscribers you’ll get. Amanda sends emails through Revue, which is owned by Twitter. As a Twitter user, she loves how anyone who finds her on Twitter can sign up for her newsletter with one click.

Elements of a good newsletter signup page

How can your  reduce risk and make it easy for new readers to subscribe? Here’s what Amanda Natividad recommends:

Set expectations: Tell a reader exactly what they’ll get when they share their email and offer sample content for them to view before signing up.

Prove credibility: Amanda mentions her  B2C phone List culinary school training and tech/marketing work to show she knows what she’s talking about.

Provide social proof: Start Building Your Share the size of your email list or reviews to prove your subscribers are benefitting from your newsletter.

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