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My second lesson from all of this is that social

Practical things that have a voice, whether it’s veganism or social inequality or social justice. I applaud her for that. I think it just goes to show that you can use these platforms for whatever you want. It’s kind of like Taylor Swift hating TV or the radio. These are just miums and how you use those miums is entirely up to you. This is my first lesson.  transparency is really important and as long as you can keep faking it it doesn’t all end up falling apart. Whether it’s someone out there calling you out and saying hey is this real and there’s a disconnect that really damages your brand image and trust or is it more of an implosion if you will She’s f up with a fake lifestyle.

I think it’s really important to real on social mia

To able to tell her story to fully own it and make the most of those platforms. So no I don’t think social mia is fake I think it’s actually hard for Romania Phone Number List fakes to have a long shelf life but I do think social mia gives us a lot of powerful tools. I mean after all people are mia and you can use it for good or evil. That’s it for now guys make sure to subscri so you can keep up with all our content. Next time Marketing Like a Zen Master, ask me any questions: How to land epic guest opportunities and whether marketing is a al breaker By Shama Hy Category.

Virtual Chief Marketing Officer Post on in this week’s

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Insir Answers Ulysses’ questions about how to land guest opportunities and discusses whether marketing can work tween two equally B2C Phone List reliable brands. The Coca-Cola vs Pepsi war is real friends. As always, the transcript follows. Hey zen country sama here we have another episo ask me anything you guys ask questions i try to answer. Our first question comes from Ulysses over at He ask how do you build relationships with itors or influencers at publications like the Huffington Post Search Engine Journal so you can get introduc and start writing guest posts here is my answer.

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