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Tax Changes and News for 2024

The most significant changes concern the provision of meals to employees in non-cash form . The changes concern both the operation of own catering facilities (so-called company canteens) and the provision of meal vouchers (meal vouchers). The same limits and taxation rules will now apply to them as for monetary payments – the meal voucher flat rate.

Another significant change is the introduction of a uniform chinese overseas british database  limit of half the average wage – for 2024, the limit is CZK 21,983.50 – for an employee’s exemption from selected benefits pursuant to Section 6(9)(d) of the Income Tax Act.These include, for example, Christmas parties or company anniversaries or children’s days.

Furthermore, the exemption from taxation for non-monetary (in-kind) gifts up to CZK 2,000 per year is being abolished . All non-monetary gifts to employees are now subject to income tax and insurance contributions.

What doesn’t change

The changes will not affect all employee benefits, but only selected ones. The same rules will apply to a number of employee benefits as before . There is no change , for example, to these benefits:>The employer’s contribution to the employee’s life or pension micro influencers and influencers: which one should i use in my marketing strategy?  The consolidation package changes the rules for the exemption of meals in non-cash form . . The upper limit of meals for a business trip lasting 5 to 12 hours is CZK 166. Of this, 70% is CZK 116.20 . This is the limit for the exemption of meals provided for one shift. This is regardless of whether they are meal vouchers, meal voucher flat rate or the provision of company meals at the workplace . The second contribution within one calendar day can be provided if the employee worked for at least 11 hours . From January 1, 2024, it is now possible to provide a second meal voucher lump sum after working 11 hours .


What doesn’t change

What are the tax implications:

The provision of a meal voucher flat rate or meals thailand data in non-cash form (meal voucher, company meals) above the limit of CZK 116.20 per shift is subject to income tax and social and health insurance contributions for the employee.

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