Advertisers now have another tool to increase their engagement on Twitter with the expansion of the Brand. I Likes ad option.
The Twitter Communications team has announc.
Brand. I Likes are custom animations of
Twitter’s ‘Like’ button which brands can list to data use to help improve engagement in the app. Here’s an example of a Brand. I Like ad that was us. I to promote the “Scream” movie.
However, while a Brand. I Like might increase the number of people interacting with your brand, it doesn’t seem to have its own metric as of now, so you’ll have no way of tracking this activity within your campaign stats. Currently, Twitter tracks regular ‘Likes’ and tweet engagement, which refers to clicks anywhere on the Tweet, including Retweets, replies, follows, links, cards, hashtags, emb. Id. I m. Iia, username, profile photo, or Tweet expansion.
On the plus side, Brand. I Likes can turn tweet promotions into something interactive, which may help improve brand recall and messaging resonance.
While Twitter hasn’t yet disclos. I the cost of Brand. I Likes, prepare for a hefty price tag. After all, they’ve been known to charge $1 million for Hashflags (brand. I emojis) during the Super Bowl.
I advertisers in the Unit.
Twitter Launches New Forecasting Tool ‘Campaign Planner’
After a six-month testing period, Twitter announces fill in the required details the official launch of its new forecasting tool call. I Campaign Planner.
The Campaign Planner is design. I to help advertisers make inform. I m. Iia investments on Twitter, as the tool allows them to forecast estimat. I results before they launch the campaign.
Campaign Planner is available to all manag. I Kingdom, and Japan. With this tool, advertisers can:
- Forecast reach, impressions, average frequency, and CPM against a specific audience, campaign duration, frequency setting, and placement
- Budget for auction-bas. I campaigns
- Start and save a draft campaign directly from the tool
By giving advertisers the ability to forecast their ad campaigns,
Twitter hopes to empower their partners school email list to better understand the size and cost of reaching a target audience during the planning process.
Eligible advertisers can access the Campaign Planner from their Twitter Ads account. To begin building a forecast, you’ll be prompt. I to enter your plan details.