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Benefits and limitations of low-code development on the Salesforce platform

The shortage of IT experts is a long-standing and well-known fact. One solution is to use low code solutions. These platforms give system administrators the ability to create processes that were previously only available to developers, thanks to the use of “drag and drop” in the administration environment. Petr Vích, Head of Java Competence , discusses in the article what permissions Salesforce gives its admins, how Salesforce works with metadata (for example, with configuration backups, versioning or deployment), and compares the JAVA and Salesforce APEX programming languages.

The Salesforce platform is a vast ecosystem of modules and gambling data mexico  features that help users and companies build and achieve their business goals more easily, quickly, and efficiently. In this article, I will try to describe the benefits of developing on the platform for developers. And because the world (including IT) should be in balance, development in Salesforce also has certain limitations that the developer must adhere to in order for the application to work smoothly.

An undeniable advantage is the great dynamism of the system, which is largely configurable. The system configuration can be downloaded using metadata in the form of xml files, which can be transferred between individual instances. Salesforce has prepared a CLI tool for easier work with Salesforce metadata.

data configuration

Thanks to this approach, it is possible to create an almost complete backup of the configuration and version individual changes, transfer configurations between individual environments. Using a CLI tool and any versioning tool (most often GIT), it is possible to build a fully automated deployment (Continuous deployment).

Unlike regular custom development, the Salesforce platform offers several differences that make the developer’s work easier. Every simplification on the one hand necessarily entails a compromise on the other. The Salesforce platform significantly simplifies and speeds up development. There are a number of functions for administrators to use

data model configuration

Flow (almost a full-fledged replacement for the programmatic  digital marketplace: the biggest and cheapest showcase in the world approach using a diagram)
Application configuration
In case the customer’s request requires a programmatic approach (custom API endpoint, invoke external application, etc.), the Salesforce platform supports implementation using the APEX programming language. The syntax of the language is very similar to the JAVA programming language with some differences on both sides. Salesforce APEX has implemented support for easier data loading (SOQL, SOSL queries), implicit support for Salesforce security (sharing rules). On the other hand, JAVA has significantly more extensive support for implementing generic classes (Salesforce supports only selected types), newer language structures (stream api). The use of external libraries is very limited in Salesforce.

Another undeniable advantage of the platform is its modularity


The Salesforce platform is undoubtedly an thailand data  interesting type of application that has its shortcomings, but despite this, it has great potential for both users and developers.

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