In today’s article, we will focus on inspections by the labor inspectorate, their course and possible sanctions.
When can an inspection from the State Labor Inspection Office (SÚIP) come?
The Labour Inspectorate can initiate an inspection of any employer (legal or natural person), even where there is only one employee.
In addition, the employer is obliged to report all serious job seekers database occupational accidents to the labor inspectorate , which is also followed by an inspection .
inspected person or their representative (e.g. a member of the statutory body) must be present during the inspection.
The inspector has the right to enter the employer’s premises, verify the identity of persons, request information (including classified information), documents and other documents ( employment contracts , attendance records , occupational health and safety documentation, documents on the health of employees, etc.). He or she may also take samples, take photographs and videos, and conduct interviews with employees without the presence of other persons.
Main areas of control
The aim of the State Labour Inspection Office, in micro influencers and influencers: which one should i use in my marketing strategy? accordance with the Labour Inspection Act ( Act No. 251/2005 Coll. ), is to monitor compliance with labour regulations and occupational safety. The main areas of control include:detecting illegal employment ,
compliance with special conditions for the employment of pregnant employees , young employees, employees caring for children or another person dependent on care.
Furthermore, the labor inspector can check the fulfillment of the thailand data mandatory share, the fulfillment of obligations in the area of whistleblower protection , the fulfillment of conditions for the operation of a company children’s group, but also compliance with employee rights arising from company internal regulations and collective agreements.
What is the result of the inspection?
The result of the inspection is a report, which the employer receives within 30 days (maximum 60 days in particularly complex cases). The report states the status of the inspected areas, the violated regulations and instructions for eliminating the identified deficiencies, including binding deadlines.
Fine : This is the most common type of sanction and the inspector can also impose a fine for non-cooperation. In 2023, the State Labor Inspection Office carried out almost 20 thousand inspections and imposed fines totaling over 366 million crowns.