When you talk about which factors are or are not important in SEO, you discover that each professional has their own opinion and experience, that there are many myths and legends but also many proven truths and indisputable factors.
Today I want to refer to one of those indisputable factors: speed and its effect on SEO positioning .
When performing a Web audit and WPO
(Web Performance Optimization) work , the response speed of a website is one of the main factors to measure.
In particular, we will focus on metrics that are critical for positioning and usability, such as TTFB (Time to First Byte) , or the time it takes for a site to arrive from the moment we make a request until the first byte of information reaches our browser.
It is easy to see that one metric is not the cambodia email list same as the other, the Load Time (LT) is the time it takes for the page to be loaded to be usable by the browser.
I make this distinction between metrics because when we look for ways to improve the speed of our blog we will find three basic tips: look for quality hosting, activate gzip compression and optimize the programming code.
All of these are true, but we should clarify that
for example, enabling gzip compression what are the benefits of building a brand community? will not improve a bad TTFB, but it will improve the LT.
In our desire to explain things in a simple WordPress speed way, we can mislead people, and any solution is often more complex than we think.
Another piece of advice you’ve probably been given to improve the speed of your WordPress blog is to install a caching plugin. And that’s true, but a maldivian lads poorly configured caching plugin can actually be harmful.
Recently a client asked me for help configuring one
of these plugins, in particular the well-known W3 Total Cache.
After configuring the plugin correctly, we come to a section of its configuration that, despite being its main feature, is the least used. This plugin WordPress speed is easily integrated with a CDN .
The funny thing is that I rarely see this section configured and many times I confirm that not even the users of this plugin know what a CDN is.