Being influential is above all moving the lines to get employees and the whole company on board. Before being external, it is therefore a question of creating an internal influence The modern marketer is an explorer The modern marketer is interested in everything, he is an explorer. He is able to take information everywhere, and especially outside of marketing. He also knows how to implement this curiosity, this state of mind in his company. For Sylvie Lachkar , this is what allows her to “seize opportunities by leaving her cocoon and her company, remaining humble in.
A marketer is someone who stops selling
The marketer of tomorrow has values The perfect marketer is the one who introduces respect : in his profession, towards his customers, his colleagues, his Azerbaijan Email List partners. For Gregory Pouy , it is this fundamental value that must guide the work of the marketer and his objectives, which must therefore be financial or non-financial. To be successful, a marketer is someone who stops selling If this formulation seems at first sight paradoxical, it finds in fact all its logic. Before selling, the marketer must make people want to buy . This is the whole challenge of the influencers who are flourishing today in both BtoC and BtoB. For Arnaud Leroux .
A successful marketer is a marketer
It is this influence that must be at the heart of our strategies for tomorrow. The marketer must rely on the employees, who can ultimately become the best B2C phone List ambassadors for the brand’s products and services. A successful marketer is a marketer with a vision And if the marketer of tomorrow was above all the one who looks at a distant horizon? For Patrice Laubignat , author of the book: “All About… Emotional Marketing”, the marketer must think of his long-term action plan : 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, etc. The marketer of tomorrow is therefore much more than a communicator. He is above all a visionary, attentive to his market, his customers and his surroundings. Want to know more ? Listen now to Aurélien Gohier ‘s podcast.