Both your content strategy and your editorial calendar must be designed based on 3 phases:
In this first phase you will have to focus on what you want to achieve with the blog in a year, all of this aligned with your business objectives.
Here it is important to differentiate the different times of the year that your business goes through due to excess or lack of work: more or less sales, festive seasons, vacations, launches of new services, promotions, etc.
Any activity around your business must be taken into account
If you analyse and compile the results obtained in the previous year, you will gain clarity on what you are doing well and what you are not: which articles have worked the best, which have been shared the most, which have achieved the most conversions or the most clients, etc.
In the same way, you will have to take into account those that have given you the worst results.
Also analyze how many and which goals you set for yourself last year you have managed to achieve and which ones you haven’t, so you’ll know what you should modify or eliminate for next year.
Based on this data, design the route you should follow in the next 12 months to achieve the best results according to your objectives.
2nd Monthly Planning
Once you have completed your annual iran email list planning, carrying out this second phase is much easier.
Here you will be able to define what you should do in a more concrete and precise way, leaving improvisation aside.
Your work will not depend on inspiration, lack of ideas or not knowing what to write about in each article.
It’s time to choose specific topics, keywords, titles, specific objectives, types of content and the audience you’re targeting.
Don’t forget to include in this phase any event that may affect your posts, such as holidays, your business activity, what’s trending in your strategic marketing is not just about advertising sector, what your competition is talking about, news, activity on social networks…
Any information is valid to adapt it to your content and objectives.
3rd Weekly Planning
If you have completed the two previous What should you keep phases correctly, this is perhaps the quickest and simplest.
It’s time to start writing and put into maldivian lads practice what was previously planned.
This is also the time to determine how, when and where you will distribute the articles once they are published.
How to create an editorial calendar for your blog?
To make your editorial calendar highly effective, here are some guidelines and tips that you should not forget when you start it:
1. Who are you addressing?
The first thing you need to know is who What should you keep you are writing for, because when you write to the wrong audience, the results don’t come.
So, before you start writing, make sure you know who your ideal reader is because they might be slightly different from your ideal client .
Research, analyze, ask questions to get to know your audience, their tastes, preferences, problems, needs and interests.
This is when you will be able to understand what they want from you and from the blog.