Check and increase your card limits : look at your daily, weekly and monthly limits – it’s almost the end of the month, so don’t hit them.
Add an alternative card to your account: if one fails, the other can take over.
Increase Facebook account limits:
Check all limits and increase them, or negotiate an increase with the company.
Agree on a Black Friday schedule with the company: Set how and where you will communicate. Also share your operating schedule.
Get an SOS contact from stockholder database the company: who you can contact in case of a problem.
Set up alerts in your systems: email notifications for rejected products, monitor reports with little data or zero impressions.
Check all budgets: Take your time and go through everything again. Did you make a mistake somewhere? Just one extra zero is enough to solve the problem!
What to monitor after launching campaigns
Are lower prices being added to the feed? A company can adjust prices in the meantime, you need to know when the feed is updated.
Do you have disapproved ads? Even anyone who chooses omnisend will definitely benefit approved ads can be disapproved later after your campaign is launched!
Are you only promoting in-stock products? If not, replace the product in banners and limit or exclude it from shopping.
Are you driving traffic to the right landing pages? Look at the TOP landing pages in the system or GA4 to see if they lead to TOP products and products you have in stock.
Is the campaign spending evenly throughout the day?
Hasn’t the entire budget been spent switzerland leads by lunchtime? If you’ve agreed with the company and have the space, increase the budgets. If not, use the SOS contact and make arrangements.
How are you doing in meeting your goals? Track your turnover and orders, not just PNO. And don’t panic if the ramp-up is slower
Are you spending too little? so much that you just can’t get there. Also, take a look at the comparison with last year.