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Those Who Brought Death and

I agree with a multifactorial perspective in the explanation of antisocial behavior: nor does society, by itself, generate criminals; Nor does biology unilaterally determine criminal behavior . Both factors, along with the psychological architecture that shapes our mind and prefigures our appetites, come together to give rise to criminal behavior, in the midst of which it is also present, even though it surely manifests itself frequently only with a slight tingle of will, bloat by so many conditionings in this society full of stimuli, the possibility of choosing: human freom.

Also Expresses After

This year marks the centenary of the birth of one of Peru’s most important philosophers, Alberto Wagner de Reyna. He studi philosophy and law at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, he also studi philosophy under the direction of Martin Heidegger b2b email list in Freiburg. Along with his philosophical work, which had the imprint of his German teacher, his religious vocation was also present. He was an authentic philosopher who reflect on the great themes of human existence but also actively participat in the political life of our country, as he serv as a diplomat in Chile, Brazil and Portugal, among many other countries .

All the Honest Desire to

Upn_blog_hum_wagner by reyna_23 nov the finesse of his reflection and the conviction of his interests allow him to cover with his intelligence from the heideggerian ontological distinction to the problems surrounding philosophy in latin america; from fine interpretations of the logos, to the deep sensitivity of faith; from the creation of an imaginary B2C phone List world in a story, to the expectation and action of the current world. In the 1950s he frequently collaborat with his essays, stories and opinions in el dominical, a supplement to el comercio. Later, many of his reflections became books .

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