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This is the main source that feeds

Exactly match the reference week of the Employment survey.  This is the  the “All employees” (BTS) statistical databases; – for the self-employed: the Non-Salaried Base (BNS) ? which groups together the social declarations of the self-employed (including micro-entrepreneurs) from Urssaf and the Mutualité sociale agricole. As there is no infra-annual measurement for this type of employment? This is the  only the comparison between administrative employment at the end of the year and the data from the Employment survey for the 4th quarter can be made. The apparent “under-declaration” may thus partly reflect conceptual differences: this is the case? for example? of a self-employed person who did not This is the  work specifically during the reference week of the Employment survey even though he was economically active within the meaning of the BNS.

This under-reporting is? along with

Under-representation? the main factor in underestimation kazakhstan phone number library of the employment level? as measured by the EEC. The underestimation of the Employment survey is complex to determine precisely (Picart? 2019). It leads de facto to an underestimation of the employment rate in France? as it is used for international comparisons. However? other we can trigger different and statistical institutes are faced with the same problems: in the case of Germany? for example? Destatis offers an analysis of the clear underestimation of employment in the Labour Force Survey? compared to employment in national accounting.

Furthermore? the question of a consequent

Bias on the unemployment rate? the flagship indicator agb directory of the Employment survey? may arise: an underestimation of employment? which contributes to the denominator of the unemployment rate? leads “all other things being equal” to an overestimation of the unemployment rate. However? the effect must be qualified: an underestimation of 1 million jobs with unchanged unemployment leads to an overestimation of the unemployment rate by 0.2 points? which is less than the precision of the indicator. In addition? it can reasonably be assumed that certain factors that lead to underestimating employment can also influence the number of unemployed: for example? certain lack.

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