Example, in the cereal and oilseed sector, more than 80% of This account farms had seen an increase in EBITDA of more than 30% between 2020 and 2021, and a third had recorded an increase of more than 30% between 2021 and 2022; between 2022 and 2023, conversely, 80% of farms in this sector have an EBITDA down by more than 30%.
Figure 2 – Dispersion of EBE per non-salaried FTE between This account sectors and within sectors in 2020
Dispersion of EBE per non-salaried FTE between sectors and within sectors in 2020
Note: COP cereals, oilseeds, protein crops
Reading: If we order the distribution of EBE per luxembourg phone number library non-salaried FTE in each sector, the median, quartiles and deciles divide this distribution into 2, 4 and 10 parts of equal numbers respectively. Thus: 50% of EBE per non-salaried FTE in this sector are below the median and 50% above; a quarter of EBE per non-salaried FTE are below the 1st quartile and a quarter are above the 3rd quartile; 10% of EBE per non-salaried FTE are below the 1st decile and 10% are above the last decile.
Scope: agricultural holdings in in europe cryptoasset market regulation metropolitan France, excluding micro-holdings.
Source: RICA.
The specific account for agriculture
The economic performance of farms is also measured at the macroeconomic level for the entire French agricultural sector by national accounting, based in particular on aggregated data on the volumes agb directory and prices of agricultural production and other sources. , developed jointly by the statistical department of the Ministry of Agriculture and INSEE, measures accounting indicators for the entire French agriculture sector whose definitions are relatively close to those of business accounting. , for example, to establish the value added of the agricultural sector, which corresponds to the total production of all farms less intermediate consumption and which represents the contribution of agriculture to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) . It also makes it possible to measure each year the net result of the sector (which is close to the “result” for a company) per non-salaried worker, and above all to assess its evolution.