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The first provisional data

Less to quantify it. In the future? certain factors of The first  divergence between the two sources could be reduced or even disappear. For example? a stabilization of alternating employment would lead to their significant under-reporting no longer contributing.  for the year 2024? which are fragmentary (there is no administrative information on the self-employed yet)? also The first  suggest a relative convergence between the evolution of employment in the EEC and that of administrative sources for last year? for the first time since 2020.

The Employment Estimates are

The result of a synthesis of several statistical sources jordan phone number library of administrative origin. These sources are based on social declarations made by employers. The data from the Employment Estimates are provisional for the 2023 vintage.

The Continuous Employment Survey

EEC  is the only source for measuring unemployment and activity as defined by the International Labour Office (ILO). It is conducte continuously? over all weeks of the year? in France excluding Mayotte. Each year? the data but now as post-holiday shopping from the last 4 vintages of the EEC are revised? due to the annual update of the population margins on which the survey is based.

The data from the EEC are therefore provisional for the 2021 to 2023 vintages. Under -reporting is defined here as the case of an individual in employment in the sense of administrative data? responding to the agb directory Employment survey but whose activity status in the sense of the ILO measured in the survey during the reference week is not employment (people who are therefore unemployed or inactive).

This measurement is carrie out via an individual matching between the EEC files and those of the administrative data: – for employees: with the data from the DSN (Déclaration sociale nominative) ? which groups together the monthly social declarations of employers. It provides information on all periods of employment of employees? and therefore makes it possible to

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