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The excessive size and weight

of the images or photos online that a web page contains is one of the main reasons why it takes a long time to load.

And in case you didn’t know, loading time is one of the many factors that google takes into account when ranking your website.

In addition, this poor loading speed, due to the large size of your online photos, also greatly harms the user experience.

Benefits of compressing and reducing the size of images

reducing or compressing the size of photos is sometimes one of the actions that we don’t give much importance to when preparing our blog articles… But it can bring us many benefits.

“optimizing the weight of images improves the south africa phone number library loading times of our website or blog and helps improve its positioning”
the biggest and main benefit we get from once we have accessed the next compressing the size of a photograph is that we increase the loading speed of our website.

Consider that if we have many images

in our article, each one of them adds a few milliseconds to the loading time.

It is then that if we do not reduce the be numbers weight of our online photos and take care of the size of the images, these loading times can skyrocket .

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