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Trends in the development of the restaurant business in Russia

The peculiarity of the restaurant business is the sophistication and demanding nature of the modern public. It is necessary to invest in marketing, as it becomes extremely difficult to attract and retain customers.

National cuisine is no longer a guarantee of unconditional success, as it limits the range of potential guests. The main focus is increasingly on the selection and training of highly qualifi personnel and improving customer service. For mid-price category enterprises, the use of various concepts is typical. Gastronomic fashion dictates an increas demand for exotic cuisine, then for classics.

Beer pubs show the highest level of profitability

They have the highest payback rate. Thematic restaurants are becoming more and more universal today. Visitors are tir of the monotony of the menu, so establishments must update their assortment.

Today, the market is dominat by chain enterprises with fairly low prices. The price of the dishes offer is decreasing. This the development is a forc measure relat to the development of large chain projects on the market.

However, despite all the innovations in america phone number list the field of marketing, there is a persistent opinion that success in business is determin not so much by the menu, but by the psychology of the clients. This opinion was express by the manager of the corporation “Rostik Group”.

He believes that the popularity of the restaurant is not connect

With the sale of food and drinks, but how to improve organic ctr with the ability to provide the client with the opportunity to have a good rest in a comfortable environment.

If a respectable the development restaurant lacks an atmosphere of coziness and comfort, then even an excellent menu aero leads will not attract a client. It is unlikely that a guest will want to visit a restaurant again, where he did not like it. Such are the realities of the development of the restaurant business in Russia at the moment.


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