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Run Your Test on a Platform That Can Measure Results

For example, create two identical welcome emails, but send one at the time you typically send your welcome emails and one at the time reflected in your hypothesis. Following the hypothesis example above: if you typically send your welcome emails two days after the user joins, send your control email at this time. Your test group email could be sent 10 minutes after the new user joins to test the effectiveness against your baseline results from your control group.

The only thing

different between the two emails should be the time you sent them. If you were to test more than one element, it is called multivariate testing. For example, a multivariate test would be if you were testing both the time the email is sent Brazil Phone Number Data and different subject line. You should only use multivariate testing when you are testing combinations of different elements. And it’s best to implement multivariate testing only after testing each individual element.

phone number list

For example. After you test and find the most effective time to send your email. You can then combine it with winning subject lines to measure the combined impact. If you attempt to test all aspects of an email at the same time. It can be difficult to determine which is contributing positively or negatively to the overall outcome. Now it’s finally time to hit play on your test. Make sure you send your email from an ESP that has a strong analytics dashboard so you can easily measure and assess the results. Remember to isolate all variables except the one you’re testing. So if you’re testing send times, don’t write different subject lines and send on different days of the week or different times of day. Include the same subject lines in both emails, and just change the time sent.

Analyze the data

Once you’ve run your test, it’s time to assess the outcomes and determine if your hypothesis was correct or not. When testing the  B2C phone List hypothesis above. For example. Look at open rates for each email segment to measure the impact of send time. Run Your Test Whichever group had the highest open rate would be the “winner.”

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