Home » Blog » Promotion of a corporate website in Yandex: strategy for B2B

Promotion of a corporate website in Yandex: strategy for B2B

Promoting a corporate website in Yandex Promotion of a corporate  is not an easy task, especially when it comes to the B2B segment. There are rules of the game and specifics here. We will tell you how to correctly build a promotion strategy to attract the target audience and increase the visibility of the site in search results.

1. Analysis of the niche and competitors

We study the characteristics of the B2B audience

The first step is to understand who your Promotion of a corporate  target audience is. In the B2B segment, these are usually company executives, purchasing managers, specialists. They have their own pain points and requests. It is important Promotion of a corporate  to understand what information they are looking for and what tasks they want to solve with the help of your website.

For example, if you sell production equipment, your potential customers will look for technical specifications, delivery terms, and warranties. And if you offer business process automation services, they will be interested in your experience, cases, and reviews from other customers.

We analyze competitors in search results

Study the sites of competitors that are already at the top of the search results for the necessary queries. See how their information is structured, what sections they have, how the pages are designed. This will help you understand what works and what doesn’t.

But don’t blindly copy other people’s solutions. Your task is to make the site better, more useful and more convenient for your audience. Unique features and “zest” that will set you apart from others will come in handy here.

2. Working with the semantic core

Query collection and clustering

Collect the most complete semantic core – a list of queries you want to promote. For B2B sites, these are usually highly specialized queries related to your field of activity. For example, “buy a metalworking machine”, “custom CRM system development”, “conduct an occupational safety audit”.

Group the collected queries by meaning and divide them into clusters. Each cluster is a potential page on your site. This way you can cover the topic in detail and give maximum useful information to users.

We define priority requests

From the entire list of queries, select the most priority ones. These can be high-frequency queries with a large volume of traffic or low-frequency, but maximally targeted. Start from the specifics of your business.

For example, if you sell expensive equipment, it is more profitable for you to promote using low-frequency queries like “buy machine X in city Y”. Yes, the traffic will be small, but almost every visitor is your potential client, ready to buy.

3. Content creation

We write useful and expert texts

Each page of your website needs quality content  poland email list – ​​text that will close the user’s query and give him a comprehensive answer. Avoid general phrases and “water”. B2B audiences value specifics, facts and figures.

Show your expertise in the niche. Talk about the intricacies of production, share life hacks that will make life easier for customers. Use professional vocabulary, but explain complex terms. Support the information with diagrams, graphs, photos and videos.

We work with behavioral factors

Behavioural factors are how users interact with your site. If they quickly leave without reading the text to the end, for Yandex this is a signal maldivian lads that the material is uninteresting or not useful.

Your task is to keep the visitor on the site. To do this:

  • Break your text into paragraphs and subheadings to make it easier to read;
  • use lists and tables;
  • add interactive elements – calculators, surveys, application forms;
  • Think about cross-linking between articles so that the visitor moves around the site and studies other materials.


4. Technical optimization

Setting up meta tags and headings

The Title and Description meta tags  see also the growing role are what the user sees in the site snippet in search results. The clickability of your result largely depends on them. Use keywords in meta tags, but do not overspam. The text should be understandable and attractive to people.

The H1 heading should accurately reflect the essence of the page, so we also use keywords in it. But with subheadings H2-H6 you can experiment and make them more creative and selling.

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