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How to make the most of the search term report

I don’t think people look at the search query report much anymore. Especially in e-commerce, we rely on bidding strategies to do the magic for us and somehow compete with the search queries.

But I still consider this report one of the most important things to look at and draw interesting data and inspiration from.

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Of course, there is a big difference in how to approach the search query report for B2B and e-commerce. For B2B, you look at the report in terms of relevance.

And you have to be really strict bc data america and think about whether the person who entered this query is really looking for your service. Even if there is a conversion.

For e-commerce, the strategy will probably do the trick. But once in a while, it’s definitely a good idea to check if you’ve excluded something.

And when you exclude, please don’t exclude just because it seems irrelevant to you, but really look at the data to see if there are any purchases from it. But that’s not the only thing you can read from the report.

How to view the search query report:

While you’re looking at search queries, take a look at their volume distribution. Make sure you’re investing in the most relevant ones and that your spend is allocated correctly.

I thought that it didn’t really “bank holidays” during a stay in england make much sense to add keywords anymore, because the strategy would expand on its own. So we tested it.

So we added not only the keywords that we saw in the queries, but also other variations that came to mind. And we really managed to increase the impression and click volumes.

So when you have that in that account, you’re more likely to be shown. And then you can also track impression share and click share.

Inspiration for new landing pages and reports

Check if you see a query in the report switzerland leads that would need a different ad or landing page. For example, a query like brand plus reviews would definitely need a different landing page.

Inspiration for new products

You may also see demand in search queries that you don’t cover. For example, people are looking for sizes, patterns, or colors that you don’t offer, but there is clearly interest in them.

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