There are many CDN services out there, and the main factors you should consider when choosing yours should be cost and physical location of the servers.
I’m going to delve into two CDN services in particular, Cloudflare and Amazon CloudFront , although services like MaxCDN , CacheFly or Liquid Web are examples of good premium CDNs.
Both Cloudflare and Cloudfront are free to use, despite being premium services that offer all their capabilities in a paid format.
Both are high-quality services, but they represent very different services both in how they operate and in who they are aimed at.
Amazon’s service is a classic CDN structure
with some difficulty in configuration but with many more adjustment possibilities and pure features.
This is the service I recommend when the knowledge or technical support necessary to make it work correctly is at our disposal.
Cloudflare is not a pure CDN service as usa email list such, but rather a CDN that, despite working perfectly on its own, is fantastic for complementing other CDN services such as Amazon’s.
In fact, this is clear when you see that in the W3 Total Cache plugin options there is room for simultaneous configuration of both services.
In my case, I decide on a project-by-project basis which CDN service is most suitable and when it is advisable to use both.
The main difference between the two is that CloudFlare automatically optimizes what should be cached and what should not, while in CloudFront you are the one who specifies what content and under what circumstances should be what are the 7 ps of strategic marketing? cached, hence its greater power but greater difficulty in configuration.
My advice: If you are only looking to improve the download speed of a website and make the content available as close as possible to the visitor, CloudFlare will probably be more than enough for you.
Other advantages of a CDN
By using CloudFlare you are not only CDN on my website using a CDN service but, for example, automatically and without any action on maldivian lads your part, you are also protecting your website against DDos (denial of service) attacks.
And all this with a control panel that tells us when and where the attack came from.
This dashboard is a fantastic traffic analysis tool that complements Google Analytics and has a large number of applications to integrate it with other third-party applications.