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How can companies apply accountability

In responsible marketing AI will one of the main trends of artificial intelligence appli to marketing . It is useless to hi that there is still an attitu of distrust in the use of artificial intelligence in marketing due to concerns relating to privacy data control and access to confintial information and the use of ever more sophisticat tools such as facial recognition techniques. The challenge for tomorrows digital marketers will to operate the collection and use of data for. The personalization of services guaranteeing an ethical use of data.  to B2B AI marketing Committing to use sensitive data only when necessary and neficial to client companies able.

AI marketing examples of success We have seen

What the foundations and trends of AI marketing are now lets talk about three examples of successful AI marketing . They are B2C examples Thailand Phone Numr List but they exploit valid logic in B2B marketing.Starbucks offers customers a loyalty card and a mobile app thanks to which they can collect points and receive gifts vouchers or discounts. Starbucks uses. AI to gather tails about user purchases time of day day of week location what they bought etc. The data is us to velop personaliz ads and campaigns alibaba.

Among the major global lears in the online

Phone Number List

Market Alibaba launch its first AIpower store FashionAI in 2018. It is locat in Hong Kong and is a perfect example of a concept store  B2C Phone List Here the retail experience meets AI resulting in a digital and innovative experience. The experience promot by.  QR co or through facial recognition. They can walk around. The store looking at the garments accessories and footwear on display while a system of smart mirrors allows them to Obtain information on individual products prices available sizes etc.

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