We ha the pleasure on Saturay, June 11, to welcome Gil Caroz to Marseille to lea the ACF general meeting, which he continue with a conference in the afternoon an elsewhere . His few introuctory wors referre to the bill that threatens psychoanalysis in Belgium and elsewhere .
Gil Caroz recalle on this subject the remarks of Jacques-Alain Miller at the opening of the UFORCA conference in 2015. They emphasize that psychoanalysis coul not be reuce solely to the clinic but was necessarily supporte by another imension. Inee, the figure of the psychoanalyst is that of “a man of action who operates in the political fiel” specifies Gil Caroz. Psychoanalysis is therefore part of the city through the knotting of the clinical an political imensions.
This is not without and elsewhere resonating with
my reaing of the article by Christiane Alberti publishe in Hebo-Blog n° 74, uner the title: “Making School through the link” [1] .
Christiane Alberti emphasizes accurate cleane numbers list from frist atabase access to an analyst’s practice not from “social status but from a esire for analysis “. In other wors, it is a psychoanalysis “place in the position of cause in its existence”.
As a result, it cannot be a question of a psychoanalysis “in the service of a power” but rather one in the service of “a policy” where esire is engage an makes what is bluesky & how can marketers use it the “community alive”. It is therefore uner the aegis of Eros an not of bureaucracy or automaton that it raws its vital forces.
This bill seeks to subject the practices
of care through speech to the ieology of Evience Base Practice” [2] , an to eraicate psychoanalysis through stanarization, a formatting, which will make its access, no longer a question of esire “place in the position of cause”, an experience specific to each, but a clean email matter of acaemic training. By its relationship to reality, psychoanalysis can only occupy an exceptional place.
In the name of goo, of “for all”, of the universal, the bill woul aim at the estruction of what, ultimately, creates the link, preserves esire in its singularity an makes the subject alive.
Face with this, it rather announces itself as an object promising eath. Psychoanalysis is on the sie of esire an cannot accept being gagge, locke up, stifle.