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Even Dimmed Beyond Its Strictly

 That’s how it went. On that occasion we paid tribute to Dr. María Luisa Rivara de Tuesta , who had been a teacher to several generations of philosophy students, many of whom had already become teachers, and who has also left behind important research on philosophical thought in Peru. . We also pay tribute to Dr. Juan Abugattas , who also dicat himself with great passion to university teaching and who always motivat the cultivation of philosophy. With the help of communication colleagues, two tribute videos were prepar.

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 The tributes and videos made subsequent interventions have a nostalgic rather than philosophical tone. I remember those moments because they have been a constant in our celebration of Philosophy Day in our country . The following years have follow a similar logic, at least from what I have seen at the University of San Marcos, one of the few universities in our country that has a Philosophy department and therefore students and professors who dicate themselves completely to this discipline. In the end what do we business lead have left? While UNESCO made the declaration of this day and provid us with the objectives of the celebration, it also tells us that each country can adapt this celebration and can freely exercise the way to do so.

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 I believe that we must return to the origin, that is, return to the initial inspiration of this celebration. We must ask ourselves: How much philosophy is taught in high school in Peru? What is taught in philosophy courses at Peruvian universities and how is it done? What is the role of philosophers in today’s society? What are the most important problems of the contemporary world and how can we address them? Can philosophy help us be better citizens, understand the world, our B2C phone List fellow human beings? Is philosophy valid in a technological society? If we do the exercise of thinking about any of these questions or others that are relat, or better yet, if we ask ourselves questions with some philosophical value, we would be paying a fair tribute to World Philosophy Day.

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