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Determine the order of products

Determine the known as the financial corrections schedule. In the event of an individual irregularity in the field of public procurement carried out in projects co-financed from EU funds, the conditions for reducing the value of eligible expenses specified in the above-mentioned regulation apply. Below we indicate the values ​​of financial corrections occurring in the event of a specific individual irregularity. The indicated percentage for irregularities is calculated based on the value of the contract in which the irregularity was found. Order announcement Refers to a situation in which the entrepreneur did not publish a contract.

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Notice in accordance with the relevant regulations or awarded the contract directly conducted a negotiated procedure without prior publication Photo Retouching of the contract notice. In such a case, the beneficiary is obliged to return of the funding obtained. Artificial division of orders into construction works/services/supplies If the project involves construction works or the purchase of a certain amount of supplies or services, identical cost categories should be combined and published in the appropriate publication in accordance with the procurement threshold. If the beneficiary decides to artificially divide.

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The costs of construction works or supplies or services into several orders in order to avoid publication of an announcement and the application of the principle of competition, this may result in the imposition of a financial correction worth % of the reimbursement B2C Phone List of the subsidy. The artificial division of the order is examined and interpreted in relation to the criterion: objective, subjective and temporal identity. Subject matter identity is established in the case of orders for the same items (same purpose of the items), i.e. when there is technical convergence and functional relationship. Entity identity, as the name suggests, refers to the entity.

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