5 tips to optimize your B2B lead generation strategy: With the consolidation of digital transformation, traditional B2B lead generation strategies need to diversify more and more.
But it’s important to note that a generic B2B lead generation strategy may bring in a lot of calls – but most of them may not be qualified.
If your business can’t find the qualified
Leads – the ones most likely to convert into something profitable – you’re just wasting money.
The secret to effective B2B lead generation is not to look at the market through binoculars – but through a magnifying glass. Take a deep look at who your customers are, what their common interests are, and whether they are more attracted to an online or offline approach. With this information in hand, you will be able to set realistic and achievable goals, pointing your sales team directly to your potential customers.
Now that you’ve completed your goals, it’s time
To move on to a good B2B lead generation strategy. Below, we’ve listed five tips based on content marketing, social media, and inbound marketing – check them out!
1) Prioritize leads obtained via inbound marketing
Traditional marketing, with its TV commercials, print ads, internet banners and purchased mailings is what we call outbound marketing.
Typically, these large-scale
B2B lead generation techniques cast a oman telegram data very wide net, connecting with hundreds, thousands, or even millions of potential customers. The problem is that these sky-high numbers don’t translate into high conversion volumes for one reason: out of all those contacts, only one or two may actually be potential leads. Your company may have invested heavily in reaching out to people who will never do business with you.
This is the big problem with outbound marketing:
Not only are the leads less qualified, but the the upgrade includes new hardware investment is also higher. It costs a lot to produce the marketing materials and it costs even more to distribute them. That’s why outbound leads cost, on average, 61% more than inbound leads.
Inbound marketing , when done well, reaches your customers exactly where they want to be served. By creating quality content that your customers are genuinely interested in, they are drawn to your offers and brand in search of more information. Because your company’s offers are relevant, leads are more eager to become your customers.
2) Engage your customers using content marketing
Content marketing , when done well, has the mobile list potential to drive a significant amount of potential customers into your sales funnel.
It is through content marketing that your company finds a series of opportunities to establish connections between your brand and your potential customers (and attract their trust), making your B2B lead generation strategy successful.
Positioning your company as an
Expert within your industry is also easier with the help of the right content.
Invest in relevant information, well-founded in data, dissemination of news from the sector, as well as from your company, always supported by the point of view of your experts.
3) Don’t underestimate visual content
People process what they see about 60,000 times faster than what they read. The digital transformation – and the resulting variety of social media platforms available today – is increasing our appetite for easy-to-digest visual content.
That’s why video has been seen as the most promising content format of the moment – and should be part of your company’s content marketing and B2B lead generation strategy.
Informative, helpful, and shareable
Infographics are a great way to visually present a lot of complex information, but video continues to soar in popularity. According to Syndacast, 74% of all internet traffic in 2017 involved video . The same research showed that tweets with images received 150% more retweets than tweets without images.