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A Developer’s Introduction to the Twenty Seventeen Theme

With the release of WordPress 4.7, the new Twenty Seventeen Theme also arrived . More than all of its predecessors, the new default theme is highly customizable for users and developers, easy to use, and perfectly suited for personal and professional purposes. Moreover, it’s great when it comes to site performance, as Brian explains in  How to Get 100/100 on Google PageSpeed ​​Insights with WordPress ?.

We reviewed the latest default theme, Twenty italy email list Nineteen. If you’re curious to know what’s new, check out our in-depth review: Introduction to the Twenty Nineteen Theme (Gutenberg Theme)

Twenty Seventeen theme provides the perfect

dress for new awesome WordPress features like customizable video header . Additionally, it provides theme-specific features like front A Developer’s Introduction page sections, SVG icon support, editing icons visible in the Customizer.

(Suggested reading:  Introduction to the Twenty Twenty Theme )

There has already been a lot written about the Twenty Seventeen theme, so in this post I will not make a new list of its interesting features and functions. Instead, I will propose five small tutorials with the aim of helping developers and advanced users to get the most out of the new default WordPress theme. Thanks to a what are the benefits of building a brand community? child theme, we will:

  • Customize the front page header
  • Set custom video header controls
  • Add more sections to the front page
  • Add custom SVG icons to the social icons menu
  • Animate page movement and build a one-page website

A Child Theme to Enhance the Functionality of the Twenty Seventeen Theme

I’m going to assume that you’re familiar anhui mobile phone number list A Developer’s Introduction with WordPress child themes . If you need a refresher, take the time to read up on our WordPress Child Theme – How to Get Started article. When you’re done, create a new folder in the /wp-content/themes/ directory    with a unique and recognizable name like Twenty Seventeen -child . In this folder, create the following  style

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