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Having a blog with low

loading times improves the user experience and helps us reduce the page’s bounce rate .

The longer a page takes to load, the more likely it is that the reader will close your website and go looking for another one.

But it’s not just the end user’s concern. Google also looks at your blog’s loading times.

And, as I explained to you previously, it is a factor that is taken into account when positioning one website above another.

If you don’t believe me

go to google analytics and you’ll see how it controls how long your website takes to load.

In the side menu in the behavior section you will see how it analyzes the speed of the site.

If i haven’t convinced you yet, run a speed test on south korea phone number library your website . I recommend using google’s pagespeed ​​insights tool .

One of the recommendations given by all speed tests is to optimize images by reducing their size.

The other benefit we get from reducing the size of online photos is that we also reduce data transfer consumption.

Which can affect the correct functioning of our hosting

At the end of the article i will show you a list of free online photo tools or editors so you can reduce the weight of your photographs before once we have accessed the next uploading them to the web.

But first i would like to give you some tips on how to use images.

As a graphic designer, i would like to be numbers give you some advice:

using an image in an article is not just about putting the first photo you have online and that’s it.

This image must harmoniously accompany the text and must have a reason in the article.

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