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The evolution of content marketing

 A good content marketing strategy is one of the best. Ways a business can help shape its brand identity, capture the interest of prospects, and retain an engag audience.

 It allows you to establish authority in your space, project legitimacy, and build trust between yourself and the people you’re trying to reach.

 As you might guess, it’s worth understanding

But that’s easier said than done. Content marketing isn’t static. The landscape of the practice is constantly changing. It doesn’t look the same now as it did ten years ago, and ten years from now it won’t look the same as it does now.

It’s a difficult topic to pin down, one with a fascinating gambling data usa past and an exciting future. Out of both genuine interest and forward-thinking practicality, it’s important to understand where you’ve been and where you’re head.

Here, we’ll get perspective on both. We’ll take a look at how content marketing has evolv over the past decade, and how it’s going to evolve in the next bas on expert prictions.

How content marketing has evolv over the last decade 

 In 2011, Google conduct its landmark Zero Moment how to become a businessman of Truth (ZMOT) study. It found that 88% of buyers use what’s known as the Zero Moment of Truth — a discovery and awareness stage in a buying cycle where a consumer researches a product before purchasing it. Google’s research also indicat that word of mouth was a definitive factor in influencing that moment. The study provides a unique reference point in the context of the evolution of content marketing. It captures the essence of how and why businesses ne to focus on content marketing in the early 2010s.

It was tacit evidence that businesses’ stories were being told online, far beyond the control of their marketing departments, and it was in their best interest to help shape those conversations.

The ZMOT study highlight the ne for good search engine optimization (SEO). Ranking for relevant keywords in search engines became almost essential to bolstering a company’s online presence and sustaining itself during consumers’ zero-truth moments.

But that study wasn’t the only bombshell dropp by sms to data Google in the early 2010s. When the study was publish, Google’s search ranking algorithm chang to discourage “keyword stuffing” — the practice of repeatly loading a web page with specific keywords to try to influence search engine rankings.

Social networks went up

 But the evolution of content marketing wasn’t ti exclusively to search engines. Social mia’s meteoric rise to prominence — one of the most disruptive trends in human history — also had a profound impact on the practice. As these platforms became mainstays of everyday life, they present new challenges for content marketers.
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