In it Influencer MarketingIt is very important to know 100% of the audience we want to impact with our campaigns. Nowadays there are so many ways to reach a certain type of target through social networks that sometimes it even becomes confusing. Am I impacting the right audience?InfluencityYou can now see the audience duplication between influencers.
Audience Overlapping is a feature that offers Influencityto carry out campaigns that impact an audience in a much more precise way. This is an important piece of information to take into account depending on the objectives we have.
What we do with this new feature is help the client to get to know in a much more realistic way the audience to which their message will be directed. Thanks to the overlap we will obtain the number of unique followers that each of the influencers has and the number of followers they share.
How to understand what overlapping is in a simpler way
Let’s give an example with 3 different influencers and their followers:
- Influencer 1: follower 1 , follower 2 and follower 3
- influencer 2: follower 1 , follower 4
- Influencer 3: follower 1 , follower 3 and follower 5
With these numbers the following unique followers would emerge:
- Influencer 1: unique followers 1 (follower 1 and follower 3 are gambling data turkey repeated in some influencer, so the unique follower is follower 2 ).
- Influencer 2: unique followers 1 (follower 1 is repeated in some influencer, so the unique follower is follower 4 ).
- Influencer 3: unique followers 1 (follower 1 and follower 3 are repeated in some influencer, so the unique follower is follower 5 ).
Therefore, we see that the total number of followers between the three influencers is 8, that is, the sum of all the
followers of each influencer. On the other hand, among influencers the total number of unique followers is 5, in
other words, the sum of the followers that are not repeated in any of the influencers analyzed. On the other hand, it is also
very important to take into account the total number of unique followers per influencer , in this case they would be 3 (follower 2, 4 and 5).
Thanks to Audience Overlapping, we will know exactly what percentage of unique followers and what percentage of repeat followers we impact with our campaign.
Its value in Influencer Marketing
Influencityhas designed a metric that shows you the overlap of our audience, since depending on the objective we
want to achieve, we will be interested in working with influencers use strikingly to build brand awareness who share an audience or not.
When you start a campaign, the first thing you set is the objective and the audience you want to impact.
The overlapping metric that Influencity provides us is very important to resolve these types of doubts: Do we want
our message to reach the same audience repeatedly or, on the contrary, do we want it to reach many more people?
For example, if we want to run a retargeting campaign , meaning that my message continually reaches the same audience
from different influencers, my campaign has to have a high percentage of shared audience and a low number of unique
For this type of campaign, where we want to have a more direct impact on a very niche group of people, overlapping
provides a lot of value as it ensures that the same person will be impacted several times by different prescribers.
But, if on the contrary what I want is awareness and to reach a wider b2b phone list and more diverse number of people, we will have to have a low overlapping percentage and a higher number of unique followers.
Fine-tune the impact of your campaigns
When searching for and selecting influencers for your campaign, it is extremely important to know the percentage of
overlap that exists between the followers of our chosen influencers.
The fact that there is overlapping does not mean tamong influencers hat the target audience is not reached. The
important thing is to identify whether we want to impact the same target audience repeatedly from various channels or,
on the contrary, whether influencers with their publications achieve greater coverage by impacting a different audience. In the latter case, we would reach more people.
This functionality provides us with great value when carrying out a successful campaign. Now, customers
ofInfluencity They can take this and other important aspects into account in order to generate high-quality campaigns.