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Better Together: Victoria’s new influencer campaign

Just as there is no chocolate without churros, there are no sneakers without socks. This is the concept that the shoe brand Victoria and Calzedonia have conveyed in their latest collection together: Better Together, with a strategy based on the Influencer Marketing.

On the one hand, Victoria has launched a pair of sneakers as a reissue of its classic models with double soles and with the campaign’s claim printed on them. On the other hand, Calzedonia, the other part of the collaboration, is providing this promotion with socks for the purchase of a pair of sneakers.

This concept refers to many that can be extrapolated to real life and both brands have related it to friendship, and specifically, to best friends. This idea taken to the world of Influencer Marketing is perfect since in it we find many influencers who are friends and usually appear together on their social networks.

If we do a search on Instagram for the main hashtag of the campaign:#Victoriabycalzedonia, at the moment, we found more than 30 publications.

As we can see in the following dashboard, the content published with this gambling data singaporehashtag is the brand’s own and that created by the influencers for the campaign.

Instagram search results for the hashtag:#Victoriabycalzedonia

What results has the campaign with influencers had?

Free socks from Calzedonia and a 20% discount on sneakers created by Victoria. This is the promotion of the campaign by both brands. And as we mentioned, they have not left aside Influencer Marketing in their digital strategy.

The target of these products is very present on social networks and, in addition, they are active followers of the most famous influencers in Spain, for this reason, we think that including Influencer Marketing has been essential to publicize the new product and the promotion itself .

By launching this collaboration only in Spain, it is logical that the target audience that we want to impact is resident in this country. In addition, it is a type of product that fits perfectly with young women. Will this audience have been reached with theChoosing the right influencers?

Results offered by Influencity software of the publications of@meryturiel,@monicasors,@deardiaryblog,@claudiaparrast,@teresa_bass,@paulabaset.

According to the 6 posts we have analyzed with our Influencer Marketing Software , the target audience that these influencers have reached (almost 2M people) is exactly the target contributions and advances on income tax from dependent activities in 2024audience that we thought would be the right one for this campaign. That is, residents in Spain (53%), women (82%) and between 18 and 24 years old (41.1%).


Results offered by Influencity software of the publications of@meryturiel,@monicasors,@deardiaryblog,@claudiaparrast,@teresa_bass,@paulabaset.

Which influencer post has been most successful?

In the Influencer Marketing sector, it happens just like in real life. After all, we are working with people and there are also groups of friends or crews of influencers who, Victoria’s new influencer  as we said, have more affinity with each other, they usually go to events and create content on social media together.

In this case, the influencers who have posted a photo for this campaign b2b phone list with their influencer friend are: Mery Turiel with her friend Andrea Rueda; Mónica Sors with Natalia Cebrián; Claudia Parrás with Melissa Villarreal and Carlota Weberm; Teresa Bass with Maria Soriano; and finally, the group of Paula Fernández, Agostina Saracco and Marta Martín.


Results offered by Influencity software of the publications


Among all these posts, Marta Martín’s has been the post that has achieved the most Engagement (5.17%), the one with the most interactions (24,538) is Mery Turiel’s and the one with the highest Social Reach (766k) is also that of this last influencer, as we can see in the results of our Influencer Marketing Software.

Better Together is another example of an original Influencer Marketing campaign that has successfully combined the campaign concept with the promotion and actions carried out by influencers to impact their ideal target audience.

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