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Insee, matching between the continuous employment

Reading : in 2022? among people employed as work-study Insee matching  students in administrative data? 12.1 % are not employed in the ILO sense in the Continuous Employment Survey. This proportion reaches 17.2 % in the case of a proxy response to the EEC.
Field : France excluding Mayotte.

Source :  Insee matching  survey and administrative data (see box).

Seniors: higher under-reporting in the event of combined

Among senior employees? under-reporting italy phone number library is much higher in cases of combined employment and retirement: 45% compared to 7% in cases of non-combination? among those aged 60 or over. In situations of combined employment? the earned income received may be considered as additional income with regard to the retirement pension? leading to respondents not declaring this activity? contrary to the instructions of the International Labour Office (ILO).

Furthermore? for senior employees not combining employment with a retirement pension? situations bordering on inactivity (end of position and liquidation of time savings accounts? for example) may increase the risk of under-reporting employment.


Significant under-reporting for low turnover

Finally? in the EEC? micro-entrepreneurs we can trigger different and whose main activity is this (micro-entrepreneurs who declare? for example? a main salaried activity are excluded here) have an under-reporting rate almost three times higher than that of traditional non-salaried workers (14% compared to 5%).

Among micro-entrepreneurs? this under-reporting agb directory decreases sharply with the income received during the quarter: from 29% if no turnover was received to 4% if the latter exceeds 9?000 euros.

For a micro-entrepreneur? whose income can vary greatly from one quarter to the next? or even from one week to the next? the turnover received is correlate with the volume of work: a low income from activity therefore reduces the probability of having had an activity during the reference week of the Employment survey.

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