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A remarketing campaign deserves its own creative

Remarketing advertising can be graphic (banner) or text. Always adapt the content of the advertisement to the target segment and the purpose of the campaign and do not forget to emphasize the call to action . The most effective types of messages include:

Reminder : The most common reason for remarketing is to  gambling data china remind. You can openly address potential customers by saying that they were interested in something from you – and remind them that they will definitely not make a mistake by purchasing.

Offer a discount or guaranteed delivery date :

With Christmas approaching, people are looking for 2 things – discounts and guaranteed delivery date. About a week or two before Christmas Eve, you can use these sales arguments in remarketing. Don’t forget about remarketing during Black Friday as well .
Offer accessories for the purchased product : You can also target remarketing to people who have purchased goods from you. In this case, the ideal strategy is so-called upselling , i.e. offering additional accessories.
you correctly estimate the frequency of purchases, you can remind customers exactly when they need your products.
New product alerts : For example, if you sell smartphones and have a hot building brand community: the new era of engagement  new product on offer, you can target your ad to users who have already purchased a phone from you in the past.
If you learn how to work with remarketing correctly and prepare high-quality and precisely targeted creatives, you will see that you will significantly increase conversions, and not just before Christmas .

Remarketing targets people who have already visited your website. This means they are interested in your products and are aware of your brand.

You can set up remarketing campaigns in PPC systems?

(Google Ads and Sklik) and on social networks (Facebook and Instagram). Each platform offers slightly different features.
To target users who have already visited your website, they must consent thailand data  to the use of cookies. As the ad account manager, you must generate a remarketing code to embed on your website. You can then simply create an ad targeting this audience, which you can further segment.
Remarketing works similarly on Facebook, but you need to insert the so-called Facebook Pixel into your pages.
Remarketing advertising can be graphic (banner) or text. Always adapt the content of the ad to the target segment and the purpose of the campaign and do not forget to emphasize the call to action.
As part of remarketing, in addition to reminders, you can also offer a discount or guaranteed delivery date, accessories for the purchased product, products that people buy repeatedly, or new products.

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