ENAE Digital Marketing Congress in Murcia 2023

Next March 11 You Can’t Miss the Digital Marketing Congress Organized by the Enae Business School in Murcia, Spain Enae is a Business School Located in Murcia With More Than 30 Years of Experience. Within Their Master of Marketing and Digital Business Program , They Have Been Organizing a Very High-level Digital Marketing Congress for Several Years. This Time They Are Already in Their Sixth Edition. In This 2023 Edition They Will Have the Following Speakers and Presentations: Sergio Montes – I’m Already Digital, Now It’s Virtual Rocío Gonzalez – Data Science in Today’s Marketing Víctor Campuzano.

Master of Marketing and Digital Business

Growth Marketing: Beyond “i’ll Cook It, I’ll Eat It” Celia executive email list Villarino – and That’s How the Client Multiplied His Conversion Rate by 12. Antonio López – Clustering Techniques to Improve the Overall Traffic of a Website César Aparicio – Techniques and Real Example That Will Help You Improve Your Positions on Google Sico De Andrés – Inkbuilding From a Different Perspective an Excellent Syllabus That Combines Topics of Digital Strategy, Web Analytics, Seo, Content Marketing and Web Conversion. Attending an in-person Digital Marketing Conference Has Many Advantages. Firstly, It Allows You to Connect With Other Professionals and Experts in the Industry, Giving You the Opportunity to Network and Network.

Digital Marketing Congress

In Addition, Conferences Usually Feature Renowned Speakers B2C Phone List Who Share Their Knowledge and Experiences, Allowing You to Learn and Stay Up to Date With the Latest Trends in Digital Marketing. It is Also an Opportunity to Learn About New Tools and Technologies That Can Help You Improve Your Marketing Strategies. Finally, Attending an in-person Digital Marketing Conference Allows You to Get Out of Your Daily Routine and Immerse Yourself in an Environment of Learning and Professional Growth. Remember: Enae Digital Marketing Congress Date: Saturday March 11, 2023 Location: Murcia. In-person Event This Year I Will Be Lucky Enough to Attend and Catch Up on Online Marketing Topics, in Addition to Networking With Excellent Professionals in the Sector.

How to detect the originality of ChatGPT content

Chatgpt has made creating human-like content very easy. Just give it a few prompts and get the content you want. In addition, he also writes all types of content. Whether you want a fictional story, an academic assignment, a How to detect business document, or a marketing-focused text, chatgpt can write it for you. It is an exceptional content creator that has all the qualities you want from an ai language model . However, there is a big problem with chatgpt content. Support the culture of deception in content creation. Additionally, it helps content creators write words that are not their own. It provides them with content that the creators claim is theirs. Now many students and writers do not research their topics; they open chatgpt, ask you to provide the content, modify the given content, and share it as they type it.

Use an online plagiarism detector

It is advisable to verify the content that chatgpt provides us. In executive email list addition, they must also check its originality. Otherwise, they may have to face uncomfortable repercussions. This article we will discuss some ways to verify the originality of content created from chatgpt . Let’s get started! Meme chat gpt drake table of contents use an online plagiarism detector detectors of content created by artificial intelligence tips to maintain the originality of chatgpt content concluding… use an online plagiarism detector there are dozens of plagiarism checkers available. These tools help both content creators and fact-checkers maintain the originality of content. An advanced and reliable plagiarism checker detects all cases of plagiarism to ensure that no one uses others’ content without proper attribution.

Detectors of content created by Artificial Intelligence 

They are used by content creators or students to ensure that their B2C Phone List content is unique and does not infringe copyright. Additionally, business owners who hire content creators for their websites or other documents and teachers can also use such tools to avoid copyright attacks and maintain academic integrity. Ai tools for content creation are trained to fool plagiarism checkers. With the increase in gpt content, plagiarism checkers must also update their algorithms to detect plagiarism. Therefore, plagiarism checking tools should also use ai and machine learning technology to discover plagiarism in content of this type. -small-seo-tools-detects-plagiarism detectors of content created by artificial intelligence a new debate in academic circles has emerged these days.

The best tools to manage your PDF files

Are you looking for the best pdf tools that can help you manage documents on your personal computer? Well, you have landed in the right place. Here in this post, we will tell you all about the most popular online and offline pdf tools that can be used on your windows device. Before we tell you about online or offline pdf management tools , we would like you to know the common problems that a user may face while dealing with pdf files. Here we have mentioned some of the most common problems that each of us would face while using pdf format. Pdf files cannot be edited or modified.

The most popular tools that can help you

Cannot share multiple pdf files easily large pdf size cannot be executive email list uploaded/shared forgetting the password for a pdf document is common pdf files don’t always work better on mobile devices if you are facing these pdf problems and are looking for the best possible solutions, then you must read this post. Here we have discussed the most useful tools that can help you tackle these common problems. Memes pdf documents the most popular tools that can help you tackle pdf problems out of hundreds of useful tools, we have discussed here the most useful ones that you can use on your windows devices. This is a very famous pdf management software that you can install on your windows os devices.

This easy-to-use PDF editing software

This is one of the best options, and this is because it comes with B2C Phone List multiple tools including a pdf organizer, editor, splitter, merge, and many more. Using swifdoo pdf, you can easily extract, delete, split, reorder, rotate, and replace pdf pages. Swifdoo’s most popular and useful tool is the pdf organizer. By using the pdf organizer, you can easily arrange the pages of your documents in any order you want. You can split the document, rotate pages, add blank pages, and also combine multiple files into one. Apart from this, you will also find different pdf editing and conversion options. Overall, swifdoo is a very reliable tool with a friendly interface that makes it a popular choice for both beginners and experienced users. One important thing to know about swifdoo is that it is only available for windows devices.

How to make money with your Personal Brand

How to monetize a Personal Brand , do you have any idea how to do it? Have you considered using your brand as a source of income? It is possible and real. In this post I will explain how to make money with a personal brand with a real and practical strategy once and for all. Today I come with one of those articles that I love to write, because I think it is useful and that it opens our eyes to see things that are there but that we often think do not work for us, or are unattainable. A lot is written about how to create a personal brand strategy , or about the importance of personal.

Branding for our professional

Success, or how to manage a brand. But, I have realized that there are very few articles that talk about how to monetize a personal brand. No. We all know that company data the main objective of working on a personal brand strategy is to show what we are worth as professionals. Make others perceive us as someone good at what we do. Apart from other benefits such as: But what happens when you already have a powerful personal brand positioned in your sector? You have to limit yourself to just getting a better job, a better position or more clients. Or can you apart from this, aspire to monetize your personal brand in another way? I am one of those who think that a personal brand can be monetized in many ways.

How to make everyone

Gets the most out of their brand. How can you turn all the effort. And years you have spent working on your personal strategy into greater income? Keep reading and B2C Phone List you will see that it is possible. You just have to have a strategy to get it and know that you really want it.Surely these are questions you are asking yourself right now, aren’t they? Attention: Not everyone wants to monetize their personal brand. If you are one of those who does not want to make money with your brand strategy, this post is not for you and can only confuse you. For example , if you are a Director of a company, an executive or a doctor, among others, this is not the objective you are working towards with your personal branding.

Everyone Says the Same Thing the Poor Offer

URL shortener ? Shorten URLs ? Shorten URL ? This sounds familiar to you but you have no idea what they are for? Or What are the most effective tools to shorten URLs ? In this post updated in 2018, I explain everything to you and what exactly URL shorteners are for or what is the URL shortener or tools to shorten links that pay the most on the market. In this article, I am going to answer Everyone Says these questions and how you can take advantage of some online tools to shorten links, reduce links for Twitter and other social networks or the advantages of using a custom URL shortener.

I bet you have heard

Many times about platforms to shorten URLs or tools to shorten links, and that you know what they are, or how important it is to use them when we work with social executive data networks, email marketing, blogs or websites . But are you clear about what they are really for? What are its advantages? Which are the most reliable free URL shorteners on the market? Sometimes we have knowledge of certain tools, but we don’t always know how to use them correctly or what they can be useful for. Therefore, in this article I am going to explain how to shorten urls with the best tools and the reasons why you should use platforms like Google Shortener, Bit.ly, t.co or tiny url to get a short URL or shorten links.

Everyone Says that allows

You to transform long links or web addresses into much shorter. Ones, greatly reducing the number of characters in said links. They are tools that randomly generate B2C Phone List short URLs from those entered into the system. Many of them allow you to customize these URLs. Link shorteners have become fashionable since the rise of Twitter. Since on this social network it is only allowed to use up to 140 characters per tweet. To greatly reduce the number of characters in links and allow more words to be written in tweets, free URL shorteners have emerged.

Most Reliable Link Shorteners on the Market

Personal branding is a scam. The Personal Brand Scam . The suicide of personal branding. It really is that? Don’t be fooled How to survive the era of the Personal Brand. Most Reliable The Personal Brand bubble that sooner or later will burst, etc… This is a scam, misleading and harmful information and even more so when it is written by journalists who should inform and not misinform their readers. But what they are looking for are articles with eye-catching headlines that generate visits, regardless of whether the information is true or not.

It is a tool that allows

To talk about today, based on my experience and that of others in personal branding. Today’s post is one of those that you wouldn’t want to have to write, but I executive email list think people are selfish and only think about themselves, and when that’s the case, I can’t go without talking about this. The other day someone wrote a post titled “The personal brand scam: “A long-term suicide.” I don’t put the link because I don’t feel like sending visits to that type of post. If you want to find it, in this collaborative article you can see a counter response to the aforementioned post and there you have the link. Before we start I want to clarify this .

Most Reliable our professional

Talk about this topic, because “I make a living from this” or “because when someone questions the concept of Personal Brand , they question my way of earning a  living and that B2C Phone List makes a mess”, as someone has told me… Thank God, I can say that I don’t make a living from this. If I made a living selling personal branding courses I would probably be bankrupt. And as you can see, I don’t sell anything on my website, I don’t even have a course… but that doesn’t mean that one day I won’t do it. Or that if they hire me to give a talk or class on this topic, I won’t do it. For me it is an extra, like many others in my business model. Of course, when I do, it will be based on my experience .

Is Antivirus Software necessary for Windows 10?

It is important to on your mobile device or computer, irrespective of whether you are online or not. They are a safer way to protect you against damage on your device or online attacks and fraud.

Antivirus software is designed to prevent intrusion into a device from an unauthorized party. The anti-virus can identify weak spots in your computer and strengthen these access points. It is crucial to use antivirus to protect your device and data stored on your PC, laptop, or mobile device.

Practice Safe Browsing

Just the way you would not want to go to a dangerous executive data neighborhood to hang out there, avoid hazardous places online. Online hackers use offensive content to lure people into their trap. They are smart enough to know people fall for dubious content and forget about security.

There are thousands of pitfalls on the internet, where a simple, ignorant click could infect your devices with a virus and expose your personal information. So, resist the urge and do not give malicious people a chance.

Customize Your Router

When initially setting up your router, make sure B2C Phone list that you personalize it for your security, specific, focused use situation. Do not manage your router’s interface online. So, you can either adjust local management access only or use a firewall between the management network and the interface.

Lastly, do not use the initial credentials of your routers. Most routers come with default usernames and passwords, which are easy to hack. While customizing your router, make sure to do this simple configuration.

Smart Interaction With The Smart Board Revolution

Unlike in the past, today, the internet has become part and parcel of our daily lives. With computers, mobile devices, TVs, and audio systems connected to the internet. There is immense physical mobility that results in increased productivity.

The internet was designed for everyone. Sadly, when protected, the internet can be a perilous place for you and a perfect platform for individuals with malicious intentions. Take your home Wi-Fi for instance. Everyone at home can access it through their tablets, smartphones, computers, and PCs. Thanks to the IoT, there are many other things in your home that can access Wi-Fi.

But what is cybersecurity?

This is a technology that is designed to protect computer systems from damage or theft of electronic data, software, and hardware. A small breach inside your executive data home’s Wi-Fi connection. Can allow a hacker to access every device in your home. This could spell trouble for child safety, credit card information, bank accounts, and so much more. Use the following cybersecurity tips to help protect your internet connection against criminal access.

Turn on Encryption for your Internet Connection

It is only in your office or home where you can feel quite safe because no one is tracking your online activities or looking over your shoulder, trying to steal your data- perhaps it’s what you think, right?

The truth is that it depends. If you have not created B2C Phone list a password for your business or home internet connection. You will be exposed to all sorts of online attacks, since you have no security at all. If you do set up a password for your internet connection, and people are accessing it freely, malicious people can connect and start to track your online moves and even exploit you.

Keeping Your Internet Connection Safe

Spy Shop Online is a popular yet reliable provider of spy gadgets and tools. You can buy products from our store and rest assured about the quality and functionality. While buying products from other providers, it is advisable to compare the products based on the features, functionality, price, guarantee, etc. After evaluating all these factors, you can decide on your product. Not reading reviews and feedback given by the other customers.

Not comparing the products and price

Sometimes we all blindly buy the product without checking it’s record. As a result of it, we buy inappropriate product. However, it is important to contact the past clients executive email list of the company or simply read the reviews and feedback posted by the previous users. For this, you can count on the third-party websites, social media platforms, and forums. It will help you clear the doubts related to the product and its usefulness.


Still confused? Do not know which spy hidden mini camera you should buy for your place? If yes, then come to us and discuss all your queries with our dedicated professionals. They will help you find the right spy camera in Delhi India as per your precise needs and areas. To know more B2C Phone list about the devices available at Spy Shop Online, give us a call on CONTACT or simply visit our official website cum online store to place your order online. In case, you are willing to see the FREE demo before buying, then you can directly come to our Delhi-based office. For details, call us today!

How to organize a virtual and in-person event

I have been participating in online and in-person events for years and I really like to observe the stages of each event. How to organize and see how they work. So in this post I am going to tell you what I learned all these years about how to develop a conference. Learn how to prepare an event and thus be able. To attract the attention of attendees to teach them all the benefits of a brand, product or service that you want to show.

look at the most important

Therefore, The way you are going to transmit the message to the audience and the philosophy. That the event is going to have is very important to have clarified to company data reach a specific audience in the correct way. How to make a budget to organize an event All points are important. Therefore, but this one is essential, if there is no money, there is no event. You must be very clear about the budget you are willing to invest and what expenses the event will generate.

How to organize Formal invitations to official events

Therefore, It is important that you establish from the beginning the roles that each of those involved in the event will play . This way you will establish a hierarchy that B2C phone List will help streamline tasks. Also make a schedule with all the actions to carry out to make the event a reality. Establishing a specific period for each action that will be carried out. To “make noise” before it happens and during the event, it is effective to have a team of collaborators. Who have active social profiles and are related to the sector or niche of the event.

How to optimize the production of infoproducts with Todoist

Frustration, what a limiting emotion, draining energy and… bad, more than bad. Every morning I set about my tasks accompanied by that feeling of. How to optimize being rowing without the direction I had chosen . Every moment of reflection or relaxation, when I played sports or cooked, thousands of ideas flooded into my head. Which by the way! If you want to increase your productivity, below I leave you a free ebook that I have prepared with great enthusiasm. It is a 28-day plan with 4 simple exercises that will help you multiply your personal productivity. 

Seeing how others advance

Carry out their tasks and launches, feeling that I could too but unable to take action. Frustration, that’s what this post is about … Hey you’re there! Hello! How are you? Good? For sure yes! Today I am very happy because I bring you a post that will not leave you indifferent. In this post I am going to executive data show you the template I use to quickly generate the tasks I need to carry out to produce infoproducts . I’m going to share with. Therefore, you the template I use to reuse that planning and be able to do things faster. I’m going to tell you how to successfully plan the creation of infoproducts . What do you think of the idea of ​​ending frustration and turning it into good planning? Come on? Come on! Before I start telling you how to use the super task generation template for.

How to optimize Todoist  with which you can

Therefore, Better plan the creation of your infoproducts, let me point out what the real value of good planning is. Planning is key to finishing what you start . Only by planning well will you B2C phone List be able to efficiently finish what you set out to do. But it is not the only reason why it is good to plan since, on many occasions, with impetus you can finish something that has not been planned . However, planning will help you do it more efficiently and with less stress.

Notice: You will have a realistic view of how long it takes to do something. I don’t know if it has happened to you, but I often have ideas that I want to carry out, that I feel I should carry out . When that idea is in my head, the need to do it becomes frustration, hurry, stress . It’s that feeling of “I should do this” that accompanies you even to the bathroom, be it poop or pee, everything must be said… But you know what? An idea does not always have to be carried out .


How to control your habits with the multiple

The don’t break the chain technique was introduced by Jerry Seinfeld for the first time in 2007 to refer to a very simple and at the same time very powerful. How to control practice that he used to motivate himself: not to fail any day. The original idea was simple: make an annual calendar on a large piece of paper, stick it on the wall, make a red cross every day you do it. After a week you will see a chain. Never break that chain . Introducing new habits can be super simple or super complicated, depending on the person and their motivations. Of course, it also depends on what habit you want to introduce, but it is true that, as a general rule, our mind will tend to resist.

Changes and we have to compensate

For that resistance with extra motivation. Starting from the basis that repetition is the key. The technique helps us maintain motivation enough to make that habit executive data establish itself, through a simple treatment with ourselves . Although the base has always been the same (don’t fail any day). Rules have been added to Jerry’s original idea that have turned this idea into a famous. Well-known and widely used technique: the Don’t Break the Chain technique. . While Jerry says “never miss a day, don’t break the chain”, in my experience. It is much better to use it to complete “finite” plans since something “infinite” ends up boring us. My favorites: 28-day plans. The rules are very simple : Determine what you want to achieve, what habit you want to introduce. For example, it could be “do 20 minutes of exercise.”

How to control Set the deadline

The longer the period, the more you will strengthen the habit but, on the contrary. The less the daily increase in motivation will be. Come on, looking at 21 days B2C phone List is not the same as looking at 365. Right? Once you know how long and when you are going to start, print a calendar where the days are clearly visible. Establish a prize that you will give yourself when you complete the program, when you have filled that calendar with crosses. Sign a contract with you, on the back of that calendar page, where it is perfectly specified what you are going to do, for how long and what you will get in return.

Start with the first day and continue making a cross each day you complete the challenge. When you complete it, give yourself the prize. This is important. Without a prize there is no paradise. That’s it? Oh really? No, just a few more rules : Once you start the program, you won’t be able to stop until you complete it. It doesn’t matter if you do it the first time or it takes months to get it.