Search for personal productivity and how to overcome them

Search-for Have you heard about that experiment with the dogs that started salivating when the bell rang before eating? Okay, sorry. Have you heard about Pavlov’s experiment that, after using a metronome at 100 beats per minute just before feeding some dogs, he found that they began to salivate when they heard it? Hey, better? Well, it turns out that I mention it to you because I realized that, after a season of stress caused by many emergencies (putting out fires, demands from clients, a crisis of a lot of work, etc.), every time I heard the word urgent I the chest burned. Just thinking about something having an upcoming date stressed me out too much.

Think of productivity as an innate

Search-for In fact, when one day I made a list of reasons category email list why I wanted to improve my productivity, the first one I wrote down was “not having to do things in a hurry.” Do you know what really happened? That urgency becomes a more threatening monster than normal and is maximized. That we end up fleeing from the urgency and try to work in a state of tranquility… let’s say a little comfortable . And, of course, we give much less than we could. The consequence of stress is that it forces us to position ourselves in its equally dangerous antagonist: excessive comfort .

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The distractions of a hyper

The “it’s okay not to have it ready today, I’ve been running a lot in recent B2C phone List months” can be an enemy of productivity because it doesn’t force you to push yourself to your potential. Are you getting it? The solution: Find your own balance between maintaining some urgency and not pushing yourself to the point of stress. Accept urgency as a good ally. Try techniques like the  to force yourself to finish tasks in a certain time and, of course, set deadlines for tasks and objectives. 5 Only take action when you are in crisis I have to admit that many of the marks on my knees are scars from the times I have fallen into this problem: remember the problem only when it has caused you a crisis .

How to control your habits with the multiple

How to contro although the basis has always been the same (don’t fail any day), rules have been added to Jerry’s original idea that have turned this idea into a famous, well-known and widely used technique: the Don’t Break the Chain technique. . While Jerry says “never miss a day, don’t break the chain”, in my experience it is much better to use it to complete “finite” plans since something “infinite” ends up boring us. My favorites: 28-day plans. The rules are very simple : Determine what you want to achieve, what habit you want to introduce.

What is don’t break the chain

How to contro For example, it could be industry email list minutes of exercise.” Set the deadline. The longer the period, the more you will strengthen the habit but, on the contrary, the less the daily increase in motivation will be. Come on, looking at 21 days is not the same as looking at 365. Right? Once you know how long and when you are going to start, print a calendar where the days are clearly visible. Establish a prize that you will give yourself when you complete the program, when you have filled that calendar with crosses. Sign a contract with you, on the back of that calendar page, where it is perfectly specified what you are going to do, for how long and what you will get in return.

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What is the technique ideal for

Start with the first day and continue making a cross B2C phone List each day you complete the challenge. When you complete it, give yourself the prize. This is important. Without a prize there is no paradise. That’s it? Oh really? No, just a few more rules : Once you start the program, you won’t be able to stop until you complete it. It doesn’t matter if you do it the first time or it takes months to get it. If you commit, you must finish it. It’s okay if you fail one day, don’t beat yourself up. She simply takes the paper, tears it up and starts a new calendar.